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Parsing expression in Data structure
Firstly to understand the parsing expression in data structure we should know about the arithmetic notations.
There are three ways of writing arithmetic notations which are having same meaning:-
1. Infix Notation
2.Prefix Notation
3.Postfix N...
Circular Doubly Linked List
This is an implementation of Circular Doubly Linked List in C Programming Language.
#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
struct node
int root, *next, *prev;
struct node n;
Implement Doubly LinkList Using C
Doubly Linklist:- In Singly Linklist we have to move only in forward direction. we don't move in backward direction in linklist but Using Doubly Linklist we can iterate in both forward and backward direction. The Below code will shown you how to...
Sorting In Linklist
Sorting inside Linklist:- This Blog will show you, how to create a sorted linklist.
By using that can achieve the Sorting inside our Linklist. The Element will Enter inside Linklist in Sorted Manne.
Implementation of Singly Linklist in C
Singly Linklist:- Hii Friends, The Below code will show you how we can create singly Linklist in Data Structure using C. we can simply create the singly linklist using the pointers and malloc function to insert and delete element dynamically.
Implement Stack Using Dynamic LinkList
Stack:- The Below code can shown you how to implement stack using dynamic linklist in data structure using C. We can insert the node dynamically and the Linklist works on principal Last-In-First-Out(LIFO).