Creating Horizontal Menu Bar Using Html and CSS
Hello readers, If you want to create a horizonta
by nitish.rawat -
Custom checkbox using jquery
Hello Reader ! Here is an example how to make
by mukul.kant -
How to make Sticky navigation
Hello Readers ! Below is an example of sticky n
by mukul.kant -
Smoke Font Animation
Hello Friends, The following codes below is an an
by kushal.kant -
How to Make A Simple DropDown in HTML With The Help of Jquery and CSS
You Can Use Below Code to Make A Simple Drop D
by indresh.kumar
How to Use Parameters in HTML5 Video Tags/Attributes
One Of the Most powerful elements of HTML5 is Video. The video element is used to embed the video in the HTML page.
There is no need of any plugin or other markup, and the best thing is that it supports all the major browsers. You have to just...
How to control the media playback using JavaScript:
While embedding a video to your webpage, very first thing you need to keep in mind is the browser support, like where this will work and where it will not. Only the latest versions of most browsers support native video playback using HTML5's "vid...
Track in HTML 5
The track element allows specifying explicit external timed text tracks for media elements. It does not represent anything on its own. Its provide a simple standardized way to add subtitles, captions, screen descriptions and chapters to video and...