Download multiple files from media and document in Liferay 6.2
Hello Guys, Liferay store files using media and
by bhagwan.khichar -
Hiding "My Sites" Menu in Docbar in Liferay
You can hide the "My Sites" menu from Liferay Docb
by chandan.ahluwalia
Get screenname of current user in liferay
Hello Guys
ScreenName is nik name or unique identification of the user and we need to use screenname for user tagging and identify the user in liferay.
There are two ways to get screenname of current user :
Step 1: Get screenname ...
Get the current user Liferay using a simple Java code
Get Current User in Liferay:- We can find the current logged in user in liferay using the below code Script. There are two methods to get the current User of liferay as following:
1. we can directly use the PortalUtil class in Liferay.