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Enhance UX by Knowing What Compels Human Behavior
Normally, when studying the success or failure of any product, the usual is to look at the numbers, which are beyond any subjectivity. However, this doesn´t take into account that most of the decisions we make in our lives are dictated by o...
UX Checklist: 8 Ways to Improve User Experience with Well-Planned Content
Well-planned content is vital when it comes to enhancing user experience. Users usually take notice of website design, smart interactions, features and usability. However, having the well-displayed information users are looking for on your websit...
Creates User-Friendly UI/UX Mobile App Designs to Boosts User Experience
App interfacing has taken the technology on mobile devices by storm. Through technology, businesses allow users to do many things such as grocery and retail shopping, hotel check-in and room selection, as well as, hotel room entry v...
6 Essential UX Strategies that Will Boost Your Website's Usability
Website usability has become increasingly important with the growing number of mobile devices and its impact on digital marketing. Improving your site's usability can help your SEO campaign, increase your site's conversion r...