Can we integrate OculusRift SDK with Adobe AIR? How?
about 8 years ago
about 8 years ago
OK so why would AIR allow you to go cross-platform with the Rift? Firstly it's never going to be good for anything putting middleware in the VR process like this. Now I haven't seen if they have any native support for VR yet in AIR (as I stopped using it when I got into unreal properly), but if they did, I would expect it to be more suited to GearVR stuff if anything as the power it needs to render anything is magnitudes greater than without AIR at all.
Also if you are integrating for cross-platform using AIR, you have the slight problem of having to compile two versions anyway (x64/Xcode) and they will have different performance requirements, especially since Macs have terrible gpus right now.
If you don't want mac support and just want linux and windows, I am 100% sure you don't want to use AIR/as3.0 for that. 100%. In fact. 110%.
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