Determining the Freelance Rates for Social Media Management?
about 8 years ago
about 8 years ago
If you are new in the freelancing then you should get registered with these sites:- https://www.fiverr.com/
- https://www.upwork.com/
- https://www.freelancer.com/
Make sure to get good reviews so that you can increase the cost of your gigs in the near future, if you are serious about the Freelancing.
If you have been offered to handle social media profiles then go for contractual basis. Make it $100/month, 25$/week and 3.5$/Day. Always establish a parameter of what you will do in that gig. Make sure in the contractual basis that you get half paid for the Gig i.e. 50$ will paid to you before the job. The rest 50$ you will get after completion of the job in that month. If you are new to the contractual basis try to charge less like 80$/month.
You can charge few bucks extra in case of Instant Delivery like 5$ per blog but if you need it instant charge them 7$ for instant delivery.
almost 8 years ago
Nowadays, Social media is a good platform to market any kind of business.
Calculate your remuneration on the basis of :-
1.Number of accounts (no. of identitites you have to take care of)
2.Social media platforms (effort involved on each social media, facebook is easier than youtube or snapchat ..etc).
3.Your monthly hours involved.
4.Amount of audience / client’s desired output in terms of sales, sign ups etc.
5.Type of work involved. Social media is much more than creating content and posting it.
So,you have to first of all clear these factors with the client because Fee variates a lot as per the clients and their products.
Hope this was of Help. -
almost 8 years ago
Hi Shweta
Social media marketers use a variety of fee structures and charge rates from $15/hour to thousands per project.
The biggest factor that affects how marketers charge is based on their work experience. If you're new to the job world, you might want to stick with $15 to $40/hour. If you have five years of professional experience with you, move to the $45 to $75 range, and if your experience is over five years, you can easily charge $80 to $100 or even more.As per my opinion, you can charge $25 to $50/hr. Based on the experience you have mentioned, you have good knowledge of Social media marketing and you have covered most of the social channels in your previous job.
about 8 years ago
Hi Shweta,According to my knowledge, Quoting any project is completely depends on your work experience and the work quality. You can quote the amount according to your capabilities and potential, meeting all the requirements of your client. But the amount should be feasible (For feasible rate you can take help from the given link: https://www.upwork.com/ https://www.freelancer.com/). If you know your job what you have been asked for, then anyone can pay you any amount that you have quoted for, else you finish that task efficiently within the given time period.
Thanks -
4 Answer(s)