I am trying to accept input from the command line in Nodejs using process.argv in the code snippet, but currently getting an error when I run the following command on the terminal - node index.js "1 18"
Error that I get - TypeError: myCallback1 is not a function
Could you please help me in resolving this issue?
This line of code will help to read command line arguments
let arguments = process.argv;
function findPrime(string, myCallback1, myCallback2, myCallback3) {
let str = string.split(' ');
if (+str[0] < 0 || +str[1] < 0) {
return 'Please provide a positive integer as negative integers cannot be prime';
if (+str[1] <= +str[0]) {
return'Input range incorrect';
return myCallback1(str, myCallback2, myCallback3);
function createPrimeList(str, myCallback1, myCallback2) {
let primeList = []; for (let i = +str[0]; i <= +str[1]; i++) {
let count = 0;
for (let j = 2; j < i; j++) {
if (i % j === 0 ) {
if (count === 0 && i > 1) {
} if (!primeList || !primeList.length) {
return 'No prime numbers found';
if (+str[0] >= 0 && +str[1] < 11) {
return Math.max(...primeList);
} return myCallback1(primeList, myCallback2);
function findDigitOccurrences(primeList, myCallback) {
let digitOccurrences = primeList.join('').split('').sort();
let count = 1;
let obj = {}; for (let i = 0; i < digitOccurrences.length; i++) {
if (digitOccurrences[i] === digitOccurrences[i + 1]) {
obj[digitOccurrences[i]] = count;
} else {
count = 1;
return myCallback(obj);
const highestOccurringDigit = obj => Object.keys(obj).reduce((current, next) => obj[next] < obj[current] ? +current : +next);
// The following code will help to read command line arguments
let primeNumber = findPrime(arguments[2], arguments[3]);
console.log('Result:', primeNumber);
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