This tutorial will help how to change the password in ubuntu.For changing the password follow the follow the steps bellow:
Step 1: Select recovery mode the second boot option in your GNU GRUB console.
Step 2: In Recovery Menu window select option Drop to root shell prompt and press Enter.
Step 3: If one forgets the username use the following command to know the username
root@domain:~$ ls /home (where l => small L)
Step 4: To reset the password type the following command
root@domain:~$ passwd username
Step 5: You are now prompted for a new password. Type the new password
Step 6 : If you don't get any output such as
Sorry , try again
then the password acceptance process is under process
Step 7 : After the password is reset type exit on the console to return to the recovery menu.
Step 8: Select Resume normal boot option in Recovery Menu window and click ok.
Step 9: Reboot the system and select option Ubuntu , with Linux.. in the GNU GRUB console.
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