I am using two decorators to decorate a function "add_user", the first one @auth_user authenticates the logged in user via json web token request headers and returns the user's information as an argument "user_info" back to the decorated function add_user. The second decorator @has_permission is supposed to check whether or not the user has permissions on the requested resource. I wanted to pass the user's information returned as user_info by @auth_user to @has_permission but don't know how to do that, here is the code so far:
def add_user(user_info):
do something
return None
The decorators:
def auth_user(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
data = jwt.decode(request.headers['some-access-token'], some_secret_key)
user_info = User.query.filter(User.id==data['user_id']).first()
return jsonify({"message" : "error"}), 401
return f(user_info, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
and the second decorator where I want to access the user_info:
def has_permission(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# This is where I want to access the user information instead of processing the key again #
# return some new_args ... #
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
What is the best way to achieve this?
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