once you have Git intalled and configured the next step is to initialize Git. It basically telling git to start tracking things in a project
git init
/* command to tell Git to initializie the project to get everything ready to start doing its tracking */
Normally we do tit in var/www/html [linux] with xamp & mamp its inside htdocs/
for example I am creating a folder inside var/www/html and naiming it symfony_todoapp. Now I have to go into the symfony_todoapp directory through command line or terminal
naveen@naveen: cd /var/www/html/RND/symfony_sites/symfony_todoapp
now from here from the root of my project we will initialize git and will make this a git repository and track all the file comes and go.
naveen@naveen:/var/www/html/RND/symfony_sites/symfony_todoapp$ git init
Now git will respond with MESSAGE "Initialized empty Git repository in /var/www/html/RND/symfony_sites/symfony_todoapp/.git/" . it also added .git, thats where it's actually going to do all it storing and tracking. This basically we are telling Git, this is the directory were you need to do all its tracking.
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