Top 10 Template Engines for JavaScript
What is a Template engine? Template Engines are
by nishant.mishra -
jQuery Accordion
Hello readers! In this Blog we will gain knowled
by vishwanath.rana -
How to make Numbered and bulleted list in HTML Editor with JavaScript
Hello all, Working with HTML Editor we wanted t
by gaurav.gautam -
How to hide particular div with just one click?
Hi, you want a condition in which the particula
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
How to Create and Retrieve Array in Javascript?
If you want to store multiple values in a single v
by siddharth.shahi
Jquery:filter(selector) method
Jquery filter( selector) method:-
It is one of the most important method which we can use to filter out elements from a list of DOM elements.
It removes all elements from the set of matched elements that do not match the specified selector(s)...
jQuery Misc $.noConflict() Method
Hello Readers,
Most of the JavaScript libraries use $ sign as a function or other variable name, just as jQuery does. In jQuery's case, $ sign is used just an alias for jQuery, so here all functionality is available without using $ sign.
How to make price range UI using Jquery
Hello Reader if you wan to make range selector UI using jquery this blog will be helpfull to you.
Lets start making this UI. First you have to create html file and it's code will go like this:-
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en"> ...
jQuery Misc index() Method
Hello Readers,
Jquery .index() method generally used to search for a define element within the jQuery object which it is called on. Jquery .index() method has 4 different signatures with different semantics which can be confusing. In this ...
How run blinking effect of div in Jquery
Hello Reader if you are making the content based website where you want to show div in bounce or blink effect. Here this code is driven by Jquery.
First create html file with name bounce.html and its code will go like this:-
<!DOCTYPE h...
How to make div scalable using Jquery
Hello Readers if you are designing the html UI and you want to make div resizable by mouse then you can use the code as below:-
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<link href="http://code.jquery.com...
How to increase font size of website by just single click
Hello Readers if you want to make a switch button that will increase your font size of webpage then you can learn to code it here.
first you have to create html page name it click.html, It's code will go like this:-
<!doctype html>
How to make div movable using Jquery
Hello Reader's if you want to make a UI where your div can drag and movable all over the screen. Then the followin example is helful to you.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.4/themes/ui-...
How to generate date selector using in website
Hello Reader's if want to generate the date selector then you can use the Javascript. By choosing JS you don't have to write every month, day or date hard core in the code.
Lets start to generate the code for it.
Step 1: Create head section ...
How to make live clock on website uisng Javascript?
Hello readers if you want to show a live clock on your web page then you can use the javascript to make it.
So lets start with html page. Create blank HTML page name is clock.html, And it's code will go like this:-
How to change background color by click using Javascript
Hello Reader's if you want to change css of any div or section or iframe with just a single click then javascript offers you to do this in real time.
Lets see how to change background color of an ifram using just a single click
<iframe src...
jQuery Misc get() Method
Hello Readers,
Here we are talking about jquery get() method in this post. It load data from the server using a HTTP GET request. It Send an HTTP GET request to a page and get a response.
Syntax: $.get( url, [data], [callback], [typ...
jQuery Misc each() Method
Hello Readers,
Jquery each() method is used to run for each matched element.It is used to loop through each element of the target jQuery object.
Synyax: $(selector).each(function(index,element))
<!DOCTYPE ht...
jQuery Misc data() Method
Hello Readers,
jQuery data method is usually used to set and get data functionality.
Attach data to a HTML tag(like div or span) element, then retrieve the data.
The jQuery data() method attaches data to, or gets data from, selecte...
Add CSS in html tag using Javascript
Hello Readers,
Usually, we need to add css property in HTML tag using Javascript.
Here I am describing different kinds of examples to adding style property using Javascript
1.) If you want to add single css property using Jav...
How to make simple ToDo section in javascript
Hello Reader's if you need to develop the todo section in your website where user can create the lists and mark then when they are complete. Then Javascript is the best option for you.
Lets see it's working code as below:-
The html file will ...
How to make switch between thumb and list view using Javascript
Hello Reader's if you are making the website and you want to create a switch which convert thumb view into listing and listing view in thumb view then you take the help from the code as below:-
Here is the html page and code will go like this:...
How to make auto search using Javascript
Hello Reader's if you want to make realtime search listing from text box then here you can learn how to do it.
This code is driven by Javascript. The listing will appear from another page and quick search will works on from page.
So the html co...
How to update shoping cart by Angular JS
Hello Reader's if you want to build light process that update the shopping cart then you can see how to make the code.
Lets start with the html page for shoping cart
<form ng-app ng-controller="OrderFormController">
How to edit value without text box using Angular JS
Hello Reader's if you want to edit any value from db in the webpage without any text box or form, Then choosing the Angular JS will be the best option
Lets see the example
For this lets start with the html page. The code for this page will go...
How to make selected menu using Angular JS
Hello Reader's if you want to show user the menu which he selects then you can use the code below. This code is written in Angular JS
<div id="main" ng-app>
<!-- The navigation menu will get the value of the "active" vari...
How to make dynamic title using Angular JS
Hello Reader's if you are new Angular JS and you want make dynamic title by it then this blog very helpful to your.
By using the title as dynamic you will be free from all the pages with their title, You just need to set it at one place then all...
To get all properties that belong to an object in javascript
To get all properties that belong to an object in javascript, we can use Object.getOwnPropertyNames(). The ordering of the non-enumerable properties in the array, and among the enumerable properties, is not defined.
var arr = ['a'...
Splice method in javascript
The splice() method is used to add/remove items to/from an array, and returns the removed item(s).
array.splice(index, howMany, [element1][, ..., elementN]);
index Index at which to start changing the array.
howMany ...
Using slice method in javascript
The slice() method extracts a substring and returns a new string.
The syntax for slice() method is
string.slice( firstindex [, endindex] );
firstindex : -The zero-based index at which to begin extraction.
endindex : -The zero-based i...
How to add element at the beginning of array?
There is method to add elements at the beginning of an array using unshift method
The array unshift method adds element at the beginning of an array and returns its new length. This method can be applied to the objects that resembles an array...
How to append existing div to another existing div
We can use jquery method append() or appendTo() method for
appending an existing div to another existing div.
Example fo appendTo():
$('#menu').on('click', function(){
Example for append()...
How to append elements to an array?
There are methods to add elements to the array using push method and concat method.
The array push method adds element at the end of an array and returns its new length.
Syntax :- array.push(item1, item2, ..., itemX)
Below is the exampl...
AngularJS Otherwise function
Hi Readers,
Today, I will be discussing about the Otherwise Function available in $routeProvider in AngularJS. The main objective of this function is to redirect the end users to a particular route when the user by mistake or intentionally...
Jquery ajax json response
There is a need to set dataType in the ajax if you expect to get json response .
url: "/accept",
type: "POST",
data: myformData,
context: this,
error: function () {},
dataType: 'json',
success : fun...
What is .wrapInner() method in jquery ?
Hello Readers,
.wrapInner() is the jquery method which is used to wrap the inner HTML element in the set of matched elements.This method wraps the HTML structure by using wrapping element as a parameter and returns the jquery object as a resul...
What is parents() method in jquery ?
Hello Readers,
parents() is the jquery method and it is same as parent() method but the difference is that parents() method return the all ancestors of the given selector which include parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, great-great-grandp...
Attribute Methods
1. attr( properties ):-Set a key/value object as properties to all matched elements.
Syntax:-selector.attr({property1:value1, property2:value2})
<title>The Selecter Example</title...
What is parentsUntil() method in jquery ?
Hello Readers,
parentsUntil() is the jquery method which is used to return all the ancestors between the selector and stop.Here, ancestor element include parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, great-great grandparent and so on. This method al...
jQuery - Selectors
jQuery Selectors are used to find out matching elements and select one or more HTML elements using jQuery and then perform operations on them.
Factory function is a synonym of jQuery() function start with the dollar sign and parentheses $(...
What is unwrap() in jquery method ?
Hello Readers,
unwrap() is the jquery method which is used to removes the element of the parent of the selected or matched element in jquery and after that it returns the jquery object as a result.
Syntax :
In ...
Opening the current HTML in a new tab
Here is the exmaple for opening your HTML in a new tab with jQuery, first we define a function for the window in which we take variables for the tab (w) and for HTML (html) that will be opened in a new tab.
Then we define a click event from whic...
How to preview an image on its click from a list of images using angularjs
In this example I have a list of images that loads after getting the response. I want to preview the image which is clicked. So I am sending the images url and its unique id into the click function and then comparing the ids, display that image o...
How to create a custom two-dimensional Array in javascript
Hello friends,
Most of time we need to create 2-D array in javascript but javascript does not provide direct syntax of multidimensional array . But we can create custom two-dimensional array in javascript.
For Example :
var myarray=new Arra...
What is parent() method in jquery ?
Hello Readers,
parent() is the jquery method which is used to return the parent element of the given selector or the current element in jquery. We use parent() method without parameter as default but if we pass any parameter inside the parent(...
Laravel with Bootstrap open modal or popup automatically
Hi Readers,
If you are using Bootstrap in your application you should use modal to show popups in your web application. Modal is a very nice feature provided by the Bootstrap to show nice and beautiful popups which can be easily modifiable...
How to resize iframe dynamically
Hello all,
While working on a project, we came across a situation where we had an iframe that had dynamic content inside it,
and to make our page responsive, we were not allowed to give fix height to the iframe, but since the iframe had th...
Displaying date into a particular format using angularjs
In angular we are provided with date $filter that formats date to a string based on the requested format.
There are several formats.Some of them are :-
'medium': equivalent to 'MMM d, y h:mm:ss a' for en_US locale (e.g. Dec 4 201512:05:08 ...
How to show javascript timer on web page
Hello Reader's if you are developing the portal where you want to show user the coundown time. Then this blog is usefull to your. Let's see how to make an auto counter in Javascript:-
first create a html file and name it count.html and code will...
How to save data on local system using Javascript
Hello Reader's if you want to store some data on user local system so that even he turn off or refresh the webpage the data will still remains the same then you can use the Javascript for that.
Let's consider an example where you have an coun...
What is toArray() method in jquery ?
Hello Readers,
toArray() is the jquery method which is used to convert the elements to array. This method returns the jquery elements matched by the jquery selector as an array.
Syntax :
Code Example :
What is slice() method in jquery ?
Hello Readers,
slice() is the jquery method which is used to select the subset part of all the part of the element or it is used to select the element from start to end position having indexing zero. Both start and end are integer value and st...
What is scrollLeft() method in jquery ?
Hello Readers,
scrollLeft() is the jquery method which is used to return the scrollbar position to horizontally for the selected or matched elements in jquery. If the scrollbar is at the end of Left side it returns the position zero. It is als...
What is .not() method in jquery ?
Hello Readers,
.not() is the jquery method and it is the opposite of filter() method and this method used for return elements that do not match or do not select the certain criteria and those not matched the certain criteria they will be remov...
What is nextUntil() method in jquery ?
Hello Readers,
nextUntil() is the jquery method which is used to return all the siblings of the next siblings elements of the same parent between the selector and stop and returns the new jquery object as a result.
Syntax :