Difference between Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence Partitioning
Both Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence Parti
by vinay.kumar -
7 Principles Of Testing
Testing shows presence of defects: Testing identi
by mayank.thapliyal -
Bug life cycle
Below are the state of any bug by which bug goes
by vishwanath.rana
Points to be remembered during Testing process
Following Points should be remembered during Testing process:
1.Always start with positive testing i.e, test for all the positive values according to requirements.
2.Continue with negative Testing i.e, test for all the possible negative val...
Software Testing Methods
What is Testing?
A process of finding or identifying defects in software is called software testing. It verify the functionality (behavior) of the application(software) against requirements specification. It is also a process of execution of t...
Software Testing Process
Following are steps to make software testing more easy & efficient:
1.Participation right from beginning:-It is a good practice, if tester has involved in starting from the project. Testers can acquire better understanding of project.Earl...