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Follow These 5 Development Tips for Mobile App Security
Imagine life without mobile!
It’s not acceptable as we are used to with. We do nearly everything online at any time, from banking to control IoT in our home, from remote work to check productivity and more. While we are dependent on mobi...
Integration of security processes with the SDLC
Integration of security processes with the SDLC:
It is constantly agreed, that cost will be more, if we put off security testing after software implementation stage or after deployment. In this way, it is important to inclu...
Security Testing and their Types?
What is Security?
Security is set of measures to ensure an application against unexpected activities/actions that make it to stop functioning or being misused/exploited. Unexpected activities can be either intentional o...
About Penetration Testing
Penetration testing is a type of security testing used to test the insecure or weak areas of the system or application. The idea of pentesting is to find vulnerabilities before they are found by other malicious
Types of Pen-testing
About Security Testing
Security testing can be check whether the application is secured or not and this concept covering the following thing:
Data Security
Network Security
Data security is primarily focused on securing the data while storing or transmitting it. T...
Fuzzing with ZAP
Fuzzing is the process through which we enter invalid or unexpected data to our target Application .
We use Fuzzing in our application when we want to break our application or crash it
using unexpected inputs .
Fuzzing can be done manually o...
Security Testing- Approaches, Tools and Techniques
Security Testing Security testing is basically a type of software testing thats done to ensure that system and application is secured. It reveals flaw in the security mechanism of an information system that protect data and maintain functionalit...
Web Security Testing- How To See The Hidden Form Fields
Hi All, In this video i'll demonstrate you how to see the hidden form fields in web page with help of WebScarab tool. I hope you Like this video. Thanks !
What is Brute Force Attack
Brute Force Attack
A Brute-force attack is a technique(Procedure or Method) for obtaining or finding-out information by trying every key combination in an effort to find an unknown value and to try a large number of possible values by using an...