How to make the rental product and invoice for OPENERP-8 (ODOO)
almost 10 years ago
over 6 years ago
contract management install -
over 8 years ago
1)rental product send by sale order then create invoice 2)use contract management it will generate invoice automatically 3)use Rental module try one of them
thank you
over 9 years ago
I found the solution for this query if any one of you get stuck in such case please follow the below steps.
Go to Administration->Scheduler->Scheduled Actions->Rent - Invoices Crone to change this.
File name:-rental.pydef _prepare_order_picking_rent_in( self, cr, uid, order, date, context=None): return { 'name': self.pool['ir.sequence'].get(cr, uid, 'stock.picking.in'), 'origin': order.name, 'date': self.date_to_datetime(cr, uid, date, context), 'type': 'in', 'state': 'auto', 'move_type': order.picking_policy, 'sale_id': order.id, 'partner_id': order.partner_shipping_id.id, 'note': order.note, 'invoice_state': 'Auto', 'company_id': order.company_id.id, } def _prepare_rental(self, cr, uid, line, out_move_id, context=None): return { 'start_order_line_id': line.id, 'out_move_id': out_move_id, }
3 Answer(s)