As we all know that Swift comes with new and variety of enhancements over objective C. Returning a function as a return type of a function is also one of them.
Here we are defining two functions which are accepting Int kind of parameter and returning Int value.
func increase(_ number: Int ) -> Int{
return number + 1
func decrease(_ number: Int ) -> Int {
return number - 1
Now we are going to create a new function having function as a return type.
func myFunction(shouldIncrease: Bool ) -> (Int) -> Int {
return shouldIncrease ? increase : decrease
In this case ‘myFunction’ is accepting a parameter of Bool kind and returning a function(which is accepting a parameter of Int kind and returning Int value).
Above function can be used as:
let modify = myFunction(shouldIncrease: true)
Here ‘modify’ is assigned as a function which is being returned as a value by ‘myFunction’. Now ‘modify’ will operate with one param of Int kind and will return Int value.
let modifiedNumber = modify(20)
That way you can use function as a return type in your program and can make your program more flexible.
Thank you
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