Hi there,
I'm using linux mint right now, and wanted to use a usb ethernet adapter rather than the default-build-in-ethernet-card, but seems cannot get it to work.
I know that somebody tried to ask similar questions before,but following the answers of those post, I cannot have the problem solved.
Aiming to disable the default interface and add the usb one,I've put lines below to /etc/network/interfaces already
iface eno1 inet manual
auto eth0 (or eth1,or exnXXXXXXXXXX--(mac address))
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
and restarted networkmanager by
sudo systemctl restart network-manager.service
but it's still not working,
is there anything wrong with the lines above?
is it somewhere else I need to config, but didn't do?
really like to know your advice and thank you very much.
(BTW, there is no hardware or driver problem)
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