Touch event
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago
Hello Sangita ,
As per your query what I am getting is you want to delay the time in which popup gets generated. Your first touch event is taking 500ms while the subsequent others are just taking 20-30ms thus causing the issue.
In my opinion there might be some function which is attached to your input box touch event . What exactly you can do is delay opening of popup on your own by making use of jQuery delay() method.
Tyr to add some code like this :
$( "div.first" ).slideUp( 300 ).delay( 800 ) where 800 is 800ms
The code should be something like this :
1) Whenever you make a touch-event first delay() function should get fired
2) After delay of 500ms your code or function to open popup should start working. -
1 Answer(s)