HAML(HTML abstraction markup language) provides an elegant syntax which is easy to understand, maintain and use.
- It is introduced by Hampton Catlin with its initial release in 2006, it is used for making HTML simpler, easier and cleaner.
- It gives flexibility to have some dynamic content in HTML, PHP, NODE.JS, ASP and in Ruby.
- For running Haml code, file need to be saved with .haml extension.
- The latest version of Haml is rubygem is 4.0.7 and 4.1.0
Source code HAML:
%title Welcome
%h1 Explaination ul li
%li one
%li two
%li one
%li two
%li three
%li four
%li five
%li six
%li seven
%li eight
%h1 link Used like this
%a{:href => '#', :class => 'bar', :title => 'Bar'}hello haml
%h1 This is input box
%input{:type => 'text'}
%h1 Button
%button submit
Source Code LESS:
ul {
li {
color: #000;
padding:2px 50px;

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