Creating Horizontal Menu Bar Using Html and CSS
Hello readers, If you want to create a horizonta
by nitish.rawat -
Custom checkbox using jquery
Hello Reader ! Here is an example how to make
by mukul.kant -
How to make Sticky navigation
Hello Readers ! Below is an example of sticky n
by mukul.kant -
Smoke Font Animation
Hello Friends, The following codes below is an an
by kushal.kant -
How to Make A Simple DropDown in HTML With The Help of Jquery and CSS
You Can Use Below Code to Make A Simple Drop D
by indresh.kumar
how to clear floats in bootstrap.
Bootstrap provides an predefined class .clearfix through which you can clear floats just by adding this class to the parent element.
.clearfix() {
&:after {
content: " ";
Feedback with optional icons
Feedback with optional icons.
Bootstrap provides classes to add optional feedback icons which would required manual positioning for inputs. Thus, it save a lot of time for making it user friendly. This can be done by adding class .has-feedback...
Validation states
Validation states
We can denote the state of a form through visual,color-based indications.This can be done through using classes as .control-label, .form-control, and .help-block.These are the validation styles for warning, error and success ...
Table specific customization
How to customize a table to your requirement.
We can also apply specific characterstics for a table.To define special style for a table we can add id attribute to the table.
<table id="t01">
Table caption
How to add a caption to a table.
We can also give heading to a table making it more attractive.This can be done by adding caption attribute to the table.
<table style="width:100%">
<caption>Monthly savings</caption>
Table rowspan
How to create cell span of more than one column in a table.
To create a cell span of more than one row in a column we add the attribute rowspan to that column and designate its value.The value of rowspan determine the number of rows a cell spa...
Table colspan
How to create cell span of more than one column in a table.
To create a cell span of more than one column in a row we add the attribute colspan to that column and designate its value.The value of colspan determine the number of columns a cell ...
Table heading.
How to create heading in a table.
It is very easy to create heading in a table.We can do it by adding <th> tag for the content of row to be shown as heading.
<table style="width:100%">
What is progress Element in HTML5 ?
The <progress> Element is use to show the completeness of the task. We can use script to manipulate the value of progress bar.
This tag is new in HTML5 and progress element have start tag (<progress>) and end tag (</progress>...
Images shapes
Images shapes.
In bootstrap,we can modify shape of image just by adding pre-defined classes as img-rounded,img-circle,img-thumbnail.It saves a lot of time of developer as prevents them from long and confusing coding for creating different shap...
Static Contol
Static Control.
When we need to insert an plane text in front of form label we can do this by adding a class .form-control static class.Thus bootstrap provides an predefined class for inserting an plane text thus making it more effecient for ...
Checkboxes and radios
Checkboxes and radios.
In bootstrap we can add features of multiple selection from group of choices with the help of checkboxes while for selecting one option out of many we use radios.It also provides an option of disabled checkboxes and radi...
Star rating using pure css
Hi all,
Below is an example, how to make star rating using pure css.
.rate {
float: left;
.rate:not(:checked) > input {
.rate:not(:checked) > label {
Horizontal form
Horizontal form.
Bootstrap provide us the feature to align labels and groups of form controls,we can do so by adding .form-horizonal class to the form.Required customization can be done by little effort making it more user friendly and time sa...
Contextual classes
Contextual classes
In bootstrap we can create color table rows and cells with the help of contextual classes such as active,success,info,warning,danger.
<!-- On rows -->
<tr class="active">...</tr>
<tr class="success...
Media queries
Media queries
In bootstrap we can create responsive site which can run on desktop as well as mobile.Thus breakpoints can be defined by using media queries whose attributes can be changed under specified conditions.
<!-- Stack the colum...
What is input pattern ?
The pattern value is use in input box which tells the user, In which pattern value will store in database. If the value is according to pattern then data will store otherwise it will shows an error.
Its works with following input types:-
Bootstrap badges(active nav states)
Bootstrap badges(active nav states)
Bootstrap provides built-in styles which can be included in bootstrap navs or more for placing badges in active states in pill navigations.
<ul class="nav nav-pills" role="tablist">
<li role="...
Bootstrap badges
Bootstrap badges.
Badges can be easily created by adding a predefined class badge to links of nav bar in Bootstrap.You can customize it further according to your requirement.
<a href="#">Inbox <span class="badge">42</span>...
Bootstrap Buttons
Bootstrap Buttons
Bootstrap provides button classes to quickly create a styled button.So you can design any type of buttons with little effort and customization.
<!-- Standard button -->
<button type="button" class="btn btn-defaul...
Pre vs. Code
<code> use for inline code it can wrap and <pre> for block code that must not wrap so, new lines and spaces get rendered as new lines..
It is little mystified by the <pre> and <code> tags. If youre not sure which to use...
Bootstrap Form
Bootstrap Form
Bootstrap provides a predefined form which can be customized according to your requirement.You can design any form with little effort and customization.It helps in saving lots of time and prevents developer from confusion.
Bootstrap Navbar
Bootstrap provides an pre-defined navbar which can be customized according to your requirement.Predefined classes are present which helps in saving lots of time and prevent us from confusion,makes it more user friendly.With li...
What is the diffrent between table and div ?
Different between *table* and *div*
What is div ?
The DIV element can be called a block element. It can also be called a layer. Its use involves dividing a page into a logical section. One of its many advantages is the ability to hold what...
Custom select box
Hello Friends,
If you are looking to create a custom select box, you can use below HTML and CSS code I have provided.
Below an example of custom select box.
<div class="wrapper">
<input id="textfield" type="te...
how to use media query to make your page responsive in html?
I am sharing an example of html with the use of mediaquery.
Here in the given example below in which i have used 3 separate files,namely
1:Html (a file with .html extension)
2:External css style sheet (a file with .css extensio...
Use of Span tag
Span tag plays a very important role in HTML, CSS designing.It is used to provide beautiful,attracting,as desired features to the attributes using CSS.
SPAN tag is a tag using which attributes can be implemented.
There many tags but we m...
Difference between id and class attribute
1) There are many different kind of CSS
selector which we can use to apply
CSS style to an element in html. ID
and Class are one of them.
Using Class attribute are easier
as compared to id because of the
negative effects of an ID selec...
html5 new input attribute- Part 2
This blog is in continuation with my previous blog about the html5 input attributes.
Here is the link:
html5 new input attribute
This attribute is used for submiting data to the given action url overriding the metho...
CSS document for printing
Hello everyone,
Lots of web pages have a print-friendly version and many of them don't. I realize that there's no need because you can set up a second CSS document to be called up when a user prints the page.
So, basically we need two css i...
How to set space in table row ?
HI all,
We can't add the margin between row in table but we can add space using an alternative method.
for this you have to add some property in your style.
table {
border-spacing: 0 5px ;
border-collapse: separate...
How To Create a Scrollspy in Bootstrap
With the help of Bootstrap we can create a Scrollspy function.The Scrollspy plugin is used to automatically update links in a navigation list based on scroll position. According to the below example, i am using data-spy=scroll it is used to scol...
HTML5 Datalist Element
Hi all,
Datalist is a new element in HTML5 and very useful. Basically it works with input box and when we write text in it, it will show a related item in list like option box.
Example :-
<label>Select your preferred code editor:&...
What is CSS attribute selectors ?
HI all,
CSS attribute selectors is a great way to manipulate your style may be you have used this before but it really awesome and I am sure using it you can make more easy your style.
Lets understand this with below example -
I have a s...
How to make custom attribute in Html5 ?
Hi all,
You can make your own custom attribute using data-. It allows possessive exchanged information between HTML and its DOM representation. It can work with javascript also, every browser will let you fetch and modify data- attributes usin...
How to Avoid HTML Mistakes
Hello Reader's
Here is the article which will help you to know, How to Avoid HTML Mistakes
In this article I will guide you how to avoid minor mistakes when create an HTML Page.
1) Don't use block elements within Inline elements.
**Wrong ...
How to Create Custom Jquery Tabs
Hello Reader's
In this article I will guide you how to create custom responsive tabs without use of any Jquery plugin.
This will surely make your web page faster because its not an plugin. Its an simple custom Jquery HTML & css.
Copy and p...
How to centralize div horizontally and vertically ?
Hi all,
Here are two method to center align a position of div.
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
background: #ccc;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
margin: auto;
position: absolute;
Approximative sibling
Hi all,
The approximative sibling or adjacent sibling combines two selectors. + works as combinator.
For example:
p {color : green;}
p + p { color:red;}
How to use parallax scrolling?
HI all,
Parallax scrolling is very popular now days in website making. it is not very difficult you just have to understand some basic method to use it.
Below is an example which will shows you how it works.
<section class="...
CSS4 selectors
HI all,
As we all knows CSS33 describes the look and formatting of a document written in a markup language very well but now the time is coming for CSS4.
Because it is still in WORKING DRAFT in W3C so all selector is not compatible with all...
How to remove a HTML element using Jquery
Hello reader's,
Below is the example to Remove the HTML element using Jquery
If you having trouble with such issues, then use the below code.
Here is the HTML
<p>Write your text here.</p>
<p>Write your text here.<...
How to Create Cross-Browser Custom Upload Button with Jquery
Hello Reader's
In this article I will guide you to create Cross-Browser Custom Upload Button With JQuery
If you facing any problem for upload button use this code.
Here is the HTML
<div class="Container">
Custom Checkbox Button
Hello Guys
This article will guide you To Create Custom Check box by using simple HTML and CSS.
Here is the demo of custom check box
Here is the HTML
<input type="checkbox" id="1"><label for="1"><span></span&g...
Add or Remove Class by Using Jquery
Hello Guys
The below example will guide you to add or remove class by using jquery.
So if you are stuck in such case follow the below code.
Here is the HTML Code
<li><a href="javascript:v...
custom checkbox and radio button using pure css
Hi all,
Here is an example of custom radio button and check box using pure css.
I hope it will helps you.
CSS :-
**/*Radio button*/
.radio, .checkbox{display: inline-block;}
.radio { padding:5px; margin-left:40px; }
.radio input[ty...
Fonts sizes
Hello Readers
In this article I will guide you about the font size diffidence pixels, points, ems & %.
Here is a flow chart below in which I have mention the difference between pixels, points, ems & %. these font sizes are not actual.
Bootstrap versus Foundation
*{margin:0;padding: 0;}
.mdUP table{border-collapse: collapse;width: 100%;margin:10px 0;}
.mdUP table thead{background: #ccc;}
.mdUP table th, .mdUP table td{padding: 5px;text-align:center;border:1px solid #ccc;}
Guide to Flexbox
pre{padding:4px;margin:5px 0;border-radius:0;color:#fff;background:#333;border:none;}
Introduction :
The flexible box called as flexbox is an powerful idea to give the container ability to alter their items
You can adjust child eleme...
stylish check box using pure css
Hi all,
Below is an example of custom check box, using pure css here is no any script.
You can use this example many type, like to select some image or theme. I hope it will helps you somewhere.
<div class="wrap">