Difference between Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence Partitioning
Both Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence Parti
by vinay.kumar -
7 Principles Of Testing
Testing shows presence of defects: Testing identi
by mayank.thapliyal -
Bug life cycle
Below are the state of any bug by which bug goes
by vishwanath.rana
Difference between Regression and Retesting
Regression Testing:- Regression testing is done in order to ensure that after bug fixation or enhancements done in module has not affected the unchanged part of the code. Its a kind of verification to ensure that reported bug has been fixed and n...
Regression Testing
Re-executing the old test cases across multiple releases or built to make sure that changes or bug fixes has not affected the existing functionalities is known as regression testing.
5 Strategies should be remember while doing regression:
What is And Why to do Regression Testing ?
What is :-
Regression testing ensures that quality of software is not disturbed because of the changes made..
Regression testing is used to ensure effectiveness of fixed bugs in the Application. Which means when a tester finds the bugs in t...