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Stored Procedures and Functions in MySQL- Part 6
A lot many times, situation arises that a set of commands have to be repeatedly executed. This is achievable by using looping constructs. MySQL provides us three types of looping constructs :
Simple Loops
Repeat Loops
While L...
Stored Procedures and Functions in MySQL- Part 4
Conditional Constructs - CASE
As in any programming constructs even in stored routines we might need to execute different commands based on what the variable or expression evaluates to. For the same we have CASE.... END CASE and IF...ELSEIF......
Stored Procedures and Functions in MySQL - Part 3
Parameters in Stored Routines
While executing any stored routine sometimes we need to pass on certain values in stored procedures these values are handled as Parameters. Their declaration consists of three parts :
Type of parameter
Stored Procedures and Functions in MySQL - Part 2
How to manage stored routines?
In the second part of the series we will see basic commands used to manage the Stored Routines
As these are also Database objects so the basic DDL commands hold true here also
Stored Procedures and Functions in MySQL- Part 1
Why do we need stored routines?
In this multi-part series I will explain the need of stored routines commonly know as stored procedures and functions , how to manage them, how to declare variables, programming blocks (loops, how to perform con...