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I need help making JavaScript remember user input
I used HTML and JavaScript to allow a user to enter text and then push submit. When the user pushes submit, his text is displayed on the page. The problem is that when the page is reloaded, the text goes away. Obviously. Here is the code I have:
How to Create Server for Multi-user Quiz using HTML, CSS, & JavaScript?
I am designing one quiz for my team members using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but don't know how to make it available to multiple users at the same time. I want to build a real-time quiz as we have in any online entrance exam.
I kn...
How to Get the API Calling in AngularJS Application?
Assume that there are 3 APIs. Each API does exactly the same task(to give you weather details) but has different endpoints as follows:
API 1: Can only be used for India. Has methods named requestWeather(), requestWeatherDataForWeek()