Cakephp is a well known and widely used open source web application framework that offers comprehensive architectural programming for the maintenance, deployment and the development of PHP applications. CakePHP saves the precious time of the developers by assisting them to write less code. Getting project setup on CMS is a good decision for blogging and post sharing websites. Developers can easily create, manage and publish creative content via CMS based on CakePHP.

Here is a list of top 5 Content Management Systems that are built with CakePHP frameworks that can assist you to build an amazing experience on your framework!
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When you want to meet requirements full of needs and preferences, you can use Coderity. It is a very very simple CMS which is driven by CakePHP 2.0. Coderity can easily perform creation, editing and management of posts, publishing work and related tasks very easily.
The key features of this CMS is an easy installation, multiple pages management, easy creation of blogs and articles. You can also make the menu and manage the order. Coderity offers you to perform a number of things by a simple drag and drop functionality. However, if you are using another GIT repository host, you can still get upstream updates for Coderity by following the below-mentioned instructions:
Create a new git repository and set it up locally or on your server and run the following command:
git remote add upstream
Now, run another command:
git remote -v
# should show fetch/push for "origin" and "upstream" remotes
Now, you can easily pull the latest Coderity version at any time by running:
git pull upstream master

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Croogo is revered as one of the popular MVC based CMS. The source can be downloaded from GIT with its dependencies. Croogo can easily perform the majority of general tasks provided in a basic CMS. Additionally, it comes with a user role functionality like admin, public, and registered.
This CMS is in high demand because the admin has a right to change the themes of a website. You can also make hooks in this CMS without affecting the core of CMS.
To your delight, Croogo is used by many popular car manufacturing companies including Hyundai. You can download this CMS from the link here.

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CupCake is meant for providing designers with a simple yet quick interface. It can easily manage small and medium sized websites. This amazing CMS comes with an easy to use interface and a WYSIWYG editor. It enables even the non-technical user to get familiar with HTML programming languages for creating the posts.
Another significant aspect of the CupCake CMS is its lightweight interface. CupCake helps developers to create sites or applications with blazing fast speed. However, this CMS is not suited for social networking project type bigger projects.
You can download this CMS from the link here.

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QuickApps CMS includes all that you need to start your own website. It even allows the non-technical people to quickly create and changes to the content. This CMS is expandable and is capable of managing virtually any website.
Known for ease of use, QuickApps CMS is popular among both developers and users. It works like the WordPress CMS, which enables them to build a site with little or no technical knowledge. People can quickly make changes to their site and easily manage content using the QuickApps CMS. Just like Wordpress, it also provides admin to create a user and their roles, managing menu, and blogs.
You can download this CMS from the instructions here below:-
- Download Composer or update
composer self-update
- Run
php composer.phar create-project -s dev quickapps/website [your_website_name]
If Composer is installed globally, run:
composer create-project -s dev quickapps/website [website_name]

Capuchn is an open source content management system (CMS). It offers rich features like TinyMCE editor, full featured image gallery, Themes changing option, Email configuration, Ajax based admin page and email notifications. Capucn CMS extends the scope to the requirements and can be used in small scale websites. You can download this CMS from the link here.
Which CakePHP frameworks based Content Management Systems do you use? Do share your thoughts in the comment section below.
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