As much as apps are quick and simple to use, equally cumbersome and complicated they are to build. Here are 5 tips to help you boost your app development process

Time is money. Actually, it’s much more when it comes to app development. If you don’t mind some math, here is a breakdown of something that Google doesn’t release separately. There were around 3.5 million applications on PlayStore by the end of 2017, up from 3.3 million the previous quarter. That is, the PlayStore added around 200, 000 new applications in around 120 days. A simple division reveals that there were around 1,600 applications added to store each day!
That point being, if you as a developer or business delay your app release even by 24 hours, you will fall behind 1,600 other apps. Now if you consider the fact that a typical Android app development cycle stretches for months, you must accept that for every moment you spend in development, is a moment conceded to your competitors. So, if you want your app to succeed, you not only have to make a great product but you have to do it quick. Here is how:
1. Use specialized tools
The first thing you need to do is stop reinventing the wheel. With millions of apps already built and deployed, Android app development is now a very matured domain with a ton of high-quality tools and resources. Use them! From UI/UX designing and code assistance to simulation and collaborative tools, each of the stages of app development can be easily supplemented and by extension, accelerated by deploying these tools to help you match deadlines.
2. Settle for Low-fi
Ask any seasoned developer and they will tell you that around a third of development cycle is completed before even a single line of code is written. From initial requirement and market analysis to pursuing high fidelity wireframes, a lot of time and resources are spent on these processes which are crucial but time-consuming. So don’t over-indulge. Businesses sometimes get fixated on first building the perfect wireframe- in the pursuit of which, drain much more time than is necessary. A better approach is to start with a Low-fi wireframe and work your way up.
3. Delegate
Partition of labor is the key to productivity. Be it deploying pre-built applets during development or delegating entire tasks like app marketing to specialized teams, there are many stages at which you should leverage the expertise of others rather than building expertise on your own.
4. Start with MVP
Rome wasn’t built in a day and nor should you attempt to build a perfect application in one go. And mind it, we aren’t saying that you can’t- getting Android app development firms on your side will definitely make it possible. We are just suggesting that you shouldn’t. Instead of putting all stakes at once, start with a basic version of your application with only the core functionalities. This won’t only save your initial time and seed money, but will also give you ample room to change course and correct mistakes- which almost always are made in the initial phases.
5. Automate testing
Building applications quickly does not mean building them flawed. As mentioned before, there are tools available that deliver quality without eating up on time. And because testing remains one of the most time-consuming yet crucial tasks, it certainly demands a dedicated tool- automated testing. No matter how good testers you have on your team, they simply can not beat the speed or efficiency of those tools.
Consider going Hybrid
No, we here aren’t going to delve into the debate of native vs hybrid but it worth a mention that the quality of hybrid applications today isn’t anywhere near to what it used to be a few years ago. Plus, there is always the core benefit of platform-portability. So, if your proposed application doesn’t have to deeply integrate with native functionalities and hardware, you can seriously consider opting for hybrid applications. In fact, if instead of hiring Android app developers, you proceed to outsource your hybrid app development to places like India, you can also save a considerable amount of money on your project without compromising on your goals.
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