CakePHP vs Node.js: Major Differences
CakePHP and Node.JS both are server side technologies but still there can be few dissimilarity between a CakePHP back-end and a JavaScript-powered back-end via Node.js.

CakePHP is an open source and free Web Development Framework, launched in year 2005 after the revolution of Internet, CakePHP has many features like Robust Plugins by which the reusability of code become more easy, it follows MVC pattern, ORM "Object Relational Mapping" and many more.
Node.Js is also an open source free cross-platform which is built on chrome runtime environment for server side programming, in today's time it has become one of the most popular JavaScript platform using which one can develop network and create real-time web applications easily and quickly. Their are many reasons of popularity of Node.js and important of them are It is very fast and have lots of tools and frameworks available for developing a scalable and lightweight application.
Working mode
CakePHP is slightly simpler as compare to Node.js, it requires only '.php' file having some php code written between php tags then run on browser, well, cakephp is also not so easy but once you are good on basics, you are ready to go.
Whereas, Node.js also is slightly bit difficult then the CakePHP but if you have basic understanding of how closures and callback functions work, it will be little easier for you.
Speed and performance
We can say that Cakephp is relatively fast but not faster than Node.js because Node.js works on latest Google chrome V8 engine technology and non-blocking I/O mechanism.
CakePHP works on relational database server such as MySQL 5.1+, SQLite 3, PostgreSQL 8+, SQLServer 2008+ and Oracle.
Whereas, Node.js support arc lies within MongoDB, MySQL, and Redis.
JSON means JavaScript Object Notation, which is a lightweight data interchange format, which is very easy for users to read and write and for computer to phrase, using it with node.js make it more simpler so that the user can easily access the information. Hence, in JSON point of view, Node.js is always superior than CakePHP and more situational.
According to the above difference it is very clear that the JavaScrip "Node.js" is much popular then CakePHP and the difference is much satisfactory but it doesn't states that CakePHP has been rollout or can be rollout on the basis of these points. It just depends on the need and requirement of the project, So let's see when to use which CakePHP or Node.Js.
When Should You Use CakePHP
We can consider CakePHP, if our project involves:
- Software stacks like the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
- CMS’s like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla etc.
- Servers like MySQL, SQL, MariaDB, Oracle, Sybase, and Postgresql etc.
When Should You Use Node.JS
We can consider Node.js, if our project involves:
- Software stacks like the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS)
- Dynamic single page applications (SPAs)
- Front-end technologies like jQuery, AngularJS, Backbone.js, Ember.js, ReactJS etc.
- Server-side technologies like Node.js, MongoDB, Express.js, etc.
Now choice is wholly your's, which platform you use for which requirement. Please feel free to share your thoughts and views in the comment box below.
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