Many a times we come across to situations where we need to find out whether a given pixel in an image is a solid pixel or a Transparent Pixel.
Here is how we can check that.
We have an image property called alpha value which tells us about the transparency of image.
A pixel can be of three types depending upon its alpha value:
1. Opaque = 255(if Alpha value is 255)
2. Translucent = 1-254(if Alpha value between 0-254)
3.Transparent = 0(if Alpha value is 0)
Here is the short C# program which identifies the transparency of image on above mentioned alpha values:
int xPixel = 50;//Xpixel of point for which we want to check transparency
int yPixel = 50;//Ypixel of point for which we want to check transparency
int transparent = 0;//Alpha code of translucent is 0
int translucent = 254;//Alpha code of translucent is 1-254
Bitmap bitmapInstance = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile("C:/Users/User/Desktop/Test.png");//Get Image Instance
byte alphaValue = bitmapInstance.GetPixel(xPixel, yPixel).A;//Get alpha value of Point
if (alphaValue == transparent)
MessageBox.Show("Pixel is Transparent");
else if (alphaValue <= translucent)
MessageBox.Show("Pixel is Translucent");
MessageBox.Show("Pixel is Opaque");//>254 is Opaque
Using the above code we can identify the alpha value and transparency of pixel
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