Hello Readers this is small blog on creating cookie in your cakephp application. Cookies are a mechanism for storing data in the web browser and helps in identifying users.
Cookies are files that contain information about the user identification like name age etc. These files are stored on the users computer and they are used for tracking users. Whenever the computer send a request to the browser for the same page the , it will send the cookie too, then server use this information to identify the user .
For creating cookie in your cakephp application you need to follow some steps written below:
1. First set Cookie on components variable in your AppController
var $components = array('Cookie');
2. Next, In any function in your UsersController page, you can write
$this->Cookie->write('anyname', cookieData, $encrypt = false, $expires = null);
3. Now, To read the stored cookie, write the following code in the view file or in any function.
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