1. Ref keyword is required to initialize a passing parameter first then passed it to ref.
1. Out keyword doesn't required to initialize a passing parameter before it is passed it to out.
2. A called method doesn't need to initialize a value of a parameter before return to the calling method.
2. A called method doesn't need to initialize a value of a parameter before return to the calling method.
3. In ref we can pass the data in bi-facial.
3. In out we can can pass the data only in uni-facial.
4. Example:-
public static int GetByRef(ref int i)
int returnString = i.ToString();
i += 1;
return returnString;
static void Main(string[] args)
int i = 1;
Console.WriteLine("Previous value of i=" + i.ToString());
int str = GetByRef(ref i);
Console.WriteLine("Current value of i=" + i.ToString());
Previous value of i=1
Current value of i=2
4. Example:-
public static int GetByOut(out int i)
i = 1;
int returnText = i;
return returnText;
static void Main(string[] args)
int i = 10;
Console.WriteLine("Previous value of i=" + i.ToString());
int str = GetByOut(out i);
Console.WriteLine("Current value of i=" + i.ToString());
Previous value of i=10
Current value of i=1
5. Ref keyword is basically used when we need to reflect the changes made in the passing parameter of a function
5. Out keyword is basically used when need to return a multiple values from a function.
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