Hello Readers
In php we count the number of elements of an array by two ways:
1. sizeof()
2. count()
sizeof() function is an alias of count() and it is used to count the elements of an array.
Syntax of the function sizeof():
sizeof(array_name, mode)
in above syntak=x
array_name: array_name is the first parameter of sizeof() function which is used to specifes the array.
mode: mode is the second parameter of the array_name function which is used to set the mode of the function (default value is 0).
Example of sizeof():
$a[0] = 'History';
$a[1] = 'English';
$a[2] = 'Maths';
$a[3] = 'Science';
$result = sizeof($a);
echo $result;
count() function work same as a sizeof() function in php. This function returns the number of elements in an array or the count() function is used to count the elements of an array.
One more interesting point regarding count() function is, if you just pass a simple var instead of an array, count() will return 1.
Syntax of the count() function:
count(array_name, mode)
In above syntax:
array_name: array_name is the first parameter of count() function which is used to specifes the array.It is a required parameter.
mode: mode is the second parameter of the count function which is used to set the mode of the function (default value is 0). It is optional parameter.
Example of count() function:
$a[0] = 'Geogrphy';
$a[1] = 'English';
$a[2] = 'Maths';
$a[3] = 'Science';
$result = count($a);
echo $result;
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