If there is an AngularJs app running in the page, it is often hard to debug or see the current model (stored in the $scope variables).
Now suppose that we have some variable name attached to the scope in the div app. Let take the example below
var sidebar = document.getElementsById('sidebar');
var scope = angular.element(sidebar).scope();
Scope {$id: "00J", $$childTail: null, $$childHead: null, $$prevSibling: null, }
One thing you need to remember about is if you want to fire an action on $scope from outside of AngularJS world, you need to wrap your stuff in $scope.$apply to let AngularJS know about your changes. So just need to write like below, Execute an event like using $rootScope from console would look like below:
//on your web browser console
var sidebar = document.getElementsById('sidebar');
var scope = angular.element(sidebar).scope();
var rootScope = scope.$root;
scope.$apply(function() {
rootScope.$broadcast('myEvent', {data: myData});
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