In this post we have learner how to enable contact us page
This form will always send email to the particular listed recipient email id's . But What if you have different departments in your company and each department want to use this contact us page, there will be no problem until all department are happy to receive email which were not related to their department. This is a problematic situation.
To come up with problem Drupal has provided category option in contact us setting page.
Category will always appear as one field of the contact us page, and user can select form it to which department he want to send his email.
Each category can have its own recipient email id's. you can even make default category selected when the user comes to the site contact us page.
In below image you can see the fields your name, your email, subject and category, category here is now a drop-down list from where you can select the department you are interested din sending the email. and at at is the message box.

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