I am writing this blog, because there was a case when I have to send email without the link. For example: If in email I send some data:
<p>Your Email id is: amuk.saxena@evontech.com.</p>
Now when the email is sent to gmail, then gmail autodetects that this is an email address and changes it to following html:
<p>Your Email id is: <a target='_blank' href="mailto:amuk.saxena@evontech.com" > amuk.saxena@evontech.com.</a></p>
But I like the output should look like this:
Your Email id is: amuk.saxena@evontech.com.
To resolve this issue, we just need to do write the following code in HTML Email page:
<p>Your Email id is: amuk.saxena@evon.com .</p>
All done!
Thanks for reading the blog
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