How to set form validation in cakephp using ajax
over 10 years ago
about 8 years ago
hiFirst Submit your form throgh ajax and render the element to a div . you will get the validation if you have defined in the model..
about 8 years ago
hiFirst Submit your form throgh ajax and render the element to a div . you will get the validation if you have defined in the model..
over 9 years ago
I you want to use client side validation in cakephp you can use jqueryvalidation library
http://jqueryvalidation.org/ http://jqueryvalidation.org/files/demo/
over 9 years ago
Please visit this link may be helpful
1. PHP and jQuery: Submit a form without refreshing the page
2. submit the form via ajax to controller and check the validation throw cakephp validation checker function click here -
4 Answer(s)