Hello Readers! In this blog we are going to export data from database using PHPExcel. PHPExcel supports reading and writing of many formats in one API. PHPExcel is a library that provides a set of classes for the PHP programming language, which allow us to write to and read from different spreadsheet file formats, like Excel .xls, Excel 2007 .xlsx, CSV, Libre/OpenOffice Calc .ods PDF, etc.
Some of PHPExcel features are:
- Create an in-memory spreadsheet representation
- Set spreadsheet meta data (author, title, description, ...)
- Add worksheets to spreadsheet
- Add data and formulas to individual cells
- Merge cells
- Protect ranges of cells with a password
- Supports setting cell width and height
- Supports different fonts and font styles
- Supports formatting, styles, cell borders, fills, gradients, ...
- Supports hyperlinks
- Supports different data types for individual cells
- Supports cell text wrapping
- Supports conditional formatting
- Supports column auto-sizing
- Supports rich-text strings
- Supports autofilter
- Supports "freezing" cell panes
- Supports cell-level security
- Supports workbook-level security
- Supports worksheet-level protection
- Group rows/columns
- Cell data validation
- Insert/remove rows/columns
- Named ranges
- Worksheet references
- Calculate formula values
- Add comments to a cell
- Add images to your spreadsheet
- Set image styles
- Set printing options
- Output your spreadsheet object to different file formats
- Read different file formats into your spreadsheet object
Create following function in controller file:
public function excel(){
// create new empty worksheet and set default font
->setDefaultFont('Calibri', 12);
// define table cells
$table = array(
array('label' => __('id')),
array('label' => __('name')),
array('label' => __('department')),
array('label' => __('number')),
array('label' => __('address')),
array('label' => __('salary')),
// print_r($table);die();
// add heading with different font and bold text
$this->PhpExcel->addTableHeader($table, array('name' => 'Cambria', 'bold' => true));
// add data
// print_r($data);die();
foreach ($data as $d) {
// close table and output
add these two lines in controller:
App::import('Vendor', 'PHPExcel');
App::import('Vendor', 'Examples');
in AppController.php:
class AppController extends Controller{
public $components = array('PhpExcel');
And at last create a view excel.ctp file. And add the following link in your display.ctp file:
<?php echo $this->Html->link('Excel',array('controller'=>'employees','action'=>'excel'),array('target'=>'_blank'));?>
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