In MVC while making projects you need to pass the model of attributes as a list.
For this you need to pass or return it in form of list and then bind it with the action which will invoke that function and at last associate it with the view.
public EmployeeModel EditDetails(EmployeeModel EmpMod)
if (EmpMod.EmpId > 0)
SqlDataReader reader = null;
using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(strConnString))
List<SqlParameter> parameterList = new List<SqlParameter>();
parameterList.Add(new SqlParameter("@empId", EmpMod.EmpId));
if (sqlConnection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sqlConnection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "uspEditUser", parameterList.ToArray());
if (reader.HasRows)
while (reader.Read())
EmpMod.FirstName = reader["EmpFirstName"] != null ? Convert.ToString(reader["EmpFirstName"]) : String.Empty;
EmpMod.MiddleName = reader["EmpMiddleName"] != null ? Convert.ToString(reader["EmpMiddleName"]) : String.Empty;
EmpMod.LastName = reader["EmpLastName"] != null ? Convert.ToString(reader["EmpLastName"]) : String.Empty;
EmpMod.PhoneNo = reader["EmpPhoneNo"] != null ? Convert.ToString(reader["EmpPhoneNo"]) : String.Empty;
EmpMod.Address = reader["EmpAddress"] != null ? Convert.ToString(reader["EmpAddress"]) : String.Empty;
EmpMod.Status = getstatus.success;
EmpMod.Status = getstatus.failure;
catch (Exception ex)
EmpMod.msg = ex.Message;
return EmpMod;
In this we passed the Employee Model as a list and receiving the model as list so this will be binded in our action and then in our view.
public ActionResult Index()
EmpRep = new EmployeeRepository();
List<EmployeeModel> EmpMod = new List<EmployeeModel>();
EmpMod = EmpRep.GetDetails().ToList();
return View(EmpMod);
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