Qimage Component:
It is used to upload and manipulate images. It can be easily downloaded from github. We can crop or resize image using Qimage crop(), resize() methods.
Some of the methods of Qimage component:
copy : copy() method is used to Copy uploaded images.
resize : resize() method is used to Resize an image.
watermark : Add watermark in an image.
crop : Crop an image.
public function upload() {
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
if ($this->request->data['Upload']['image']!='' && is_array($this->request->data['Upload']['image'])) {
$imgData = array();
$imgData['file'] = $this->request->data['Upload']['image'];
$imgData['path'] = WWW_ROOT . '' . '/images/';
// echo '<pre>';print_r($imgData);die;
$user_image = $this->Qimage->copy($imgData);
$this->Qimage->resize(array('height' => 100, 'width' => 100, 'file' => $imgData['path'].$user_image, 'output' => WWW_ROOT . '' . '/images/'));
$this->Qimage->crop(array('w' => 50, 'h' => 60, 'x'=>243,'y'=>100,'file' => $imgData['path'].$user_image, 'output' => WWW_ROOT . '' . '/images/'));
$user_image = "";
if ($this->Upload->save($fetch)) {
echo ('Your post has been saved.');
} else {
echo('Unable to add your post.');
$file_tmp_name = $this->request->params['form']['driver_image']['tmp_name'];
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