In Laravel 5.0 we have in built functionality for forgot password or resetting password. Once the user reset his/her password he/she is logged-in and redirected to the specific URL. But what if the user is deactivated by the super admin temporarily and we do not want to allow him/her from logging-in after resetting the password.
Further more, if you have multiple roles you want to redirect the user to the corresponding URL according to the role he/she belongs to you may need to follow the following steps to accomplish it :-
Step 1st:- Add the following line in the PasswordController.php file.
protected $redirectTo = '/';
Step 2nd:- Replace the following code in the ResetsPasswords.php file. Available under the path
// Check if the user is activate or not before log-in and redirecting to the specific URL according to its role.
if($user->status == 1){
if(isset($user) && ($user != null) && (isset($user->role)) && ($user->role == 'admin') ){
$this->redirectTo = '/admin/profile';
} else if(isset($user) && ($user != null) && (isset($user->role)) && ($user->role == 'ngo') ){
$this->redirectTo = '/ngo/profile';
} else {
$this->redirectTo = '/profile';
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