over 9 years ago
Here we will see some of the functions listed below that are removed in PHP7.
1- ASP-style tags ( <%, <%= and %> ), is removed.
2- Script tags "<"script language='php' ">" Note: always use "<"?php ?">".
3-Split function that returns an array of strings after splitting up a string is removed.
4-The ereg extension with all it's ereg_* functions have been deprecated since PHP 5.3 and replaced by PCRE extention.
5- Mysql extention is depricated since 5.5 and hence removed in php7
6-Uniform Variable Syntax
- class A
- {
- public $username = 'abcd';
- public $job_type = 'Technical';
- }
- $xyz = new A();
- $attributes = ['1' => 'username', '2' => 'job_type'];
- echo "\n User name is " . $xyz->$attributes['1'] . "<br>";
- echo "\n User Job Type is " . $xyz->$attributes['2'] . "\n\n";
- User name is abcd
- User Job Type is Technical
class A { public $username = 'abcd'; public $job_type = 'Technical'; } $xyz = new A(); $attributes = ['1' => 'username', '2' => 'job_type']; echo "\n User name is " . $xyz->$attributes['1'] . "<br>"; echo "\n User Job Type is " . $xyz->$attributes['2'] . "\n\n"; OUTPUT: User name is abcd User Job Type is Technical
In PHP 5, the expression $xyz->$attribute['1'] is evaluated as $xyz->{$attribute['1']}
In PHP 7, the expression $xyz->$attribute['1'] is evaluated as {$xyz->$attribute}['1']
$xyz->{$attribute['1']} gives the same output in PHP 5 and PHP 7
7-Fatal Error with multiple default clauses
switch ($expression) { default: notExecuted(); break; default: executed(); } In PHP 5, the last default would be used in switch. But in PHP 7, switch statements will contain only one default else we will get a Fatal Error in case of PHP7.
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