Hello All,
In this blog, we will have a brief discussion on Xamarin. Xamarin is basically a tool for Cross Platform Development of Android, iOS and win forms.You can visit the Xamarin website https://xamarin.com/ and you can find more details about Xamarin there. The latest version of Xamarin - "Xamarin 3" has been recently released.
Xamarin is a Software company located in California and they initially created the Mono, Monotouch and Mono for Android which are nothing but the cross platform implementations of CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) and CLS (Common Language Specifications. Xamarin provides us an access to all the native APIs and all the code compile down to the Native Code.
Basically Xamarin uses C# language and we can use IDE of Xamarin or Visual Studio to develop the Android and iOS apps. To develop iOS apps we have to install Xamarin.iOS build Host on a Mac machine and we have to pair that machine with Visual studio so that compilation can be done in Native language and its a one time process (configuration).

Requirements of Xamarin :

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