Hello Readers,
Description Registers is a script file on WordPress, and is supposed to be linked to a website later with all the wp_enqueue_script() function, which usually safely manages this script dependencies.
Scripts that were pre-registered by using wp_register_script() do not need to be manually enqueued through use of wp_enqueue_script() when they are usually shown being a dependency of yet another script that is enqueued. WordPress will routinely add the registered script before including this enqueued script so that this registered script copes with being a dependency. Understand the Notices to learn more
wp_register_script( $handle, $src, $deps, $ver, $in_footer );
So what are these variables and do we need them every time? (This is covered on the Codex page, so I'll give a brief description and not use jargons)
$handle what you'll use to refer to this particular script when you might need to enqueue it. You have to include this variable at the very least.
$src Its the path to the source file within your plugin or theme.
$deps In case of an array containing the $handle for any other scripts, your script needs to run (i.e. a dependency).
$ver It tell you the version number for your script, which can be used for cache-busting. By default, WordPress will use its own version number as the version number for your script.
$in_footer do you want your script to load in the footer? Set this to true or false. It is false by default, so it loads in the header where wp_head() is, and if you specify true, it will load where wp_footer() appears in the theme.
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