Following is the function to change time format from 24 hours to 12 hours, please take a look at input and output examples before you use it
* Return: 24 hours format to 12 hours format
* Input example: 1400, 730, 1205, 0
* Ouput example: 02:00PM, 07:30AM, 12:05PM, 12:00AM
function timeformat_24to12($timeval){
$hours = substr($timeval, 0, -2);
$mins = substr($timeval, -2);
$meridian = 'AM';
if($hours>12) {
$hours -= 12;
$meridian = 'PM';
}else if($hours == 12 AND $min>0) {
$meridian = 'PM';
}else if($hours == 0) {
$hours = 12;
# Prepend zero to hours and mins less than 9
$hours = str_pad($hours, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$mins = str_pad($mins, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
return $hours . ':' . $mins . $meridian; // you may say I added noise here but readability got higher priority in my coding rules :P
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