Top 10 Template Engines for JavaScript
What is a Template engine? Template Engines are
by nishant.mishra -
jQuery Accordion
Hello readers! In this Blog we will gain knowled
by vishwanath.rana -
How to make Numbered and bulleted list in HTML Editor with JavaScript
Hello all, Working with HTML Editor we wanted t
by gaurav.gautam -
How to hide particular div with just one click?
Hi, you want a condition in which the particula
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
How to Create and Retrieve Array in Javascript?
If you want to store multiple values in a single v
by siddharth.shahi
Show dates between two dates using Javascript
Hello Reader's if you need to list out the dates between two given dates then you can use the JS code as written below:-
Date.prototype.addDays = function(days) {
var dat = new Date(this.valueOf())
dat.setDate(dat.getDate() + days);
indexOf() method in JavaScript Array
JavaScript Array indexOf() method : The indexOf() method is used to return the position of the any given element inside the array. It returns the numeric value and if element not found in that array then it returns the -1. The index is starts fro...
Accordion Menu using jQuery
Accordion Menu are like the dropdown menu with some effects of animation. It has some top menu and dropdown list inside that menu and some other top menu and another dropdown list inside this menu.
When we click on the first top menu the dropd...
Jquery on() method
Hello Readers,
on() is the jQuery method and it comes in jQuery 1.7 and it is the replacement of bind() and delegate() handlers methods and it is used to attach event to the currently selected elements and it is a faster way to attach to the e...
jQuery :not() selector
JQuerys :not() selector is used to filter in some cases when we have some selectors. It selects all the elements except the elements that matches the selector.
for example, If we have some checkboxes. When we select any checkbox the backgroun...
Select all Siblings after a child
In jQuery, to select all siblings div after a child we use a function nextAll().
For example:
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
concat() method of JavaScript Array
JavaScript Array concat() method : The concat() method is used to join or combine the two or more arrays. It doesn't change the original array. It return the new array having all the elements of combined arrays.
Syntax of array concat() method...
length property of JavaScript Array
JavaScript Array length property : The length property is used to return the total length of the array. It return the number of elements in array.
Syntax of the array length property : to get the array length use following syntax
Use of Migration library in JQuery
Migrate Library in JQuery
While using Jquery you have seen the error $.browser error.
This error comes often when we try to use a legacy jquery function in new version of jquery file.
The latest version does not support the ol...
Arrays in JavaScript
JavaScript Arrays : Array is a like a container which contains the same type of objects or elements. Arrays has fixed length. We can access the array elements using the index value.The index of the array starts from 0.
Example of creating ...
How to load page from the browser history ?
History go() method : The history object has the go() method which is used to load page from the browser history. You can choose specific url or index of the previous or next browsed page.
Syntax of the go() method :
How does caching helps and how to use caching in jQuery?
Hello Readers,
In jquery when we use the two or more than two same id's as a selector or elements and operate over jquery event than sometimes effect on its performance due to caching.
For Example :
$("#mydemo").css("color", "red");
jquery function after() and before()
Hello Readers,
We can use .after() and .before() methods for different tasks.
If we want to add any other HTML tag or content after or before define HTML tag, then we can use these jquery methods for the same tasks.
Example: meth...
Add CSS in html tag using jQuery
Hello Readers,
Probably, we need to add css property in HTML tag using jQuery.
Here I am describing different kinds of syntax to adding style property using jQuery
1.) If you want to add single css property using jquery, then you...
How to halt image uploading in Dropbox.js
If you are using Dropbox.js for file uploading and wants to upload some specific extension type like csv, xls etc. Please follow the below code::
Dropzone.options.uploadcontact = {
maxFilesize: 10, // Mb
acceptedFiles: ".xls,.xlsx,...
How to load a next page using JavaScript ?
History forward() method in JavaScript : The forward() method of a history object is used to load the next page browsed. In our application sometimes we required to go to next opened page, in this case the forward() function is used. It is same a...
How to load a previous page using JavaScript ?
History back() method in JavaScript : The back() method of a history object is used to load the previous page browsed. In our application sometimes we required to go to last opened page, in this case the back() function is used. It is same as the...
decodeURIComponent() function in JavaScript
JavaScript decodeURIComponent() function : The decodeURIComponent() function is used to decode the encoded URL components.
Syntax of decodeURIComponent() function :
uri : Required. This is the encoded URL which need...
encodeURIComponent() function in JavaScript
JavaScript encodeURIComponent() function : The encodeURIComponent() function is used to encode the URL. It encodes the all special character including characters : , / ? : @ & = + $ #
Syntax of encodeURIComponent() function :
What is chaining in jQuery?
Hello Readers,
In jquery chaining is the technique and most poweful feature. It means we chain the one or more methods or events to one selectors or elemnts.
Because of this it short the code level as well as its performance (means it gives...
Ajax request in YUI
Here is the simple example of YUI ajax with Post and Get method:
POST request:
var callback = {
success: function(o){
How to prevent model box to close box by screen click ?
If your model box getting close by some where click on screen outside of your popup box. You need add following attribute in your model box:
your model box will appear like this
<div class...
Sin Method in Javascript
The sin method of javascript defines a sin of a number. Where the number is a numeric expression, representing the size of an angle in radians. See the syntax below -
The sin method returns a numeric value betw...
event.PreventDefault, event.stopPropagation and return false in jquery
Hello Readers,
event.PreventDefault() : In jquery event.preventdefault is used to prevent the current action or the default action event from occuring or happening or triggering. It does not stop the propagation to parent DOM elements.
jQuery add() Method
Hello Readers,
We use add() method to add elements with a existing group of elements or selectors.
Syntax: selector.add(selector)
Please find the following description of all the parameters used by this add met...
How to pass a variable in jQuery from PHP
Hello Reader's! If you want to send variables from PHP to jQuery then you have to use the selectors:-
Lets's see the example below:-
This you have to put in the bottom of php page with the selector is "input[type=checkbox]"
What is jquery append() method?
Hello Readers,
append() is the jquery method and is used in jquery to Add elements to the end or after the completion of text in jquery of the selected elements.
Syntax :
selector.append( content )
Parameter :
content this par...
what is fadeIn() in jquery?
Hello Readers,
jquery fadeIn is the jquery method which is used to fade the hidden element or the jquery matched element.
Syntax :
Parameters :
Speed : this is a optional parameter which specif...
parseFloat() function in JavaScript
JavaScript parseFloat() function : The parseFloat() function is used to get the floating point number from a passed string. It first parse the string and then return the number as a decimal number.
Syntax of parseFloat() function :
decodeURI() function in JavaScript
JavaScript decodeURI() function : The decodeURI() function is used to decode the encoded URL.
Syntax of decodeURI() function :
uri : Required. This is the encoded url which need to encode.
Example of decodeURI() ...
what is jquery blur method?
Hello Readers,
Jquery blur is the jquery method which is used to attach the function to the jquery event and the function get executed to a given element after the event occurs. Event lose the focus when we click on input field and it performs...
Mobile Number Format in Javascript
Hi All,
We in very common scenario come across a scenario where we want user to just be able to enter Mobile Number Format.
This small code piece will help in validating user to enter only Mobile number format.
encodeURI() function in JavaScript
encodeURI() function in JavaScript : The encodeURI() function is used to encode the URL parameters. It only encode the special characters except: , / ? : @ & = + $ #.
Syntax of encodeURI() function :
uri : Requi...
custom side bar with the help of jquery
Hello Readers
In this article I will guide you how to create custom side bar with the help of jquery.
Here is the HTML
<section id="slideBox" class="open">
<nav id="menu">
'return false' vs 'e.preventDefault()' In jQuery
When we use jQuery event handler, adding return false works same as adding both e.preventDefault and e.stopPropagation on the jQuery.Event object.
e.preventDefault() will stop the event to occur and return false also prevents that event from p...
Jquery callback function
Hello Readers,
In jQuery, It is a function which is passed as an argument to another function and it is executed when/after it's parent function has been completed.
Callbacks are some special jQuery function because it patiently wa...
Number() function in JavaScript
JavaScript Number() function : The Number function is used to cast the other objects to the number. Number() is a global function in JavaScript.
Syntax of the Number() funciton :
object: It is required parameter. It ...
toLowerCase() method in JavaScript
JavaScript String toLowerCase() method : The toLowerCase() method is used to convert the letters to the lower case. It doesn't change the original string. It returns the new string in lower case.
Syntax of toLowerCase() method :
Finding max and min value in an array using javascript
To find the maximum and minimum in an array we can use Math.max and Math.min function that returns the largest and smallest of zero or more numbers.
Syntax : - Math.max([value1[, value2[, ...]]])
Using apply,you can choose your own context...
What is difference between sorting string array and sorting numerical array in jQuery?
Hello Readers,
sorting string array :
sort method in jquery is used to sort array elements in alphabetically order this type of sorting is called as sorting through string array.
For Example :
var list =...
How to read, write and delete cookies in jQuery
In jquery to read, write and delete cookies by using dough cookie plugin. It is easy and powerful characteristics in jquery to use this plugin.
Firstly, below is the syntax to create cookie.
Create cookie :
$.dough("cookie_name", "cookie...
Validations in .NET
In .NET we do validations to restrict wrong entries and making valid values to be entered through the forms.
Validation on a form or UI page can be done on two sides
1 Server Side Validation
2 Client Side Validation
Server Side vali...
Difference between $document.ready() and $window.load() in jQuery
Hello Readers,
Usually, we use the jQuery in our web project as per the requirement. We start the jQuery syntax as $(document).ready() OR $(window).load() function.
Here I will describe the difference between $(document).ready() and $(w...
valueOf() method in JavaScript String
JavaScript String valueOf() method : The valueOf() method is used to cast the string object to the primitive value. It doesn't change the original string.
Syntax of the valueOf() method :
Example of valueOf() metho...
trim() method in JavaScript
JavaScript String trim() method : The trim() method is used to trim the unwanted extra space from both sides (left and right). It returns the new string without having the white-space on both sides. It doesn't change the original string.
toString() method in JavaScript
JavaScript String toString() method : The toString() method to return the string object, means we can simply say that it is used to casting the primitive object to the.
Syntax of toString() method :
Example of toS...
What is the use of param() method?
Hello Readers,
param() method is the jquery method and is used to perform the array or jquery object in a serialization or in serialize manner.
Syntax :
$.param(object | array, boolValue)
Parameters :
object | array - this is a ...
Explain slideToggle() effect in jquery?
Hello Readers,
slideToggle() effect is one of the jquery method and is used to give the sliding effect or the animated effect with a sliding motion and it works between slideUp() and slideDown() effect for the selected or matched elements.
Explain the each() function in jquery?
Hello Readers,
each() is the jquery function and it is used to iterate over jquery matched object list.
each() is a traversing method which works only jquery objects.
syntax :
Parameters :
Calculate the number of days between two dates
If you want to calculate the number of days between two dates, you need to make a function,pass the dates and use getTime() function.
Below is the example code :
function GetNoDays(date1, date2) {
var daysIndates = date1.getTime() - ...