Top 10 Template Engines for JavaScript
What is a Template engine? Template Engines are
by nishant.mishra -
jQuery Accordion
Hello readers! In this Blog we will gain knowled
by vishwanath.rana -
How to make Numbered and bulleted list in HTML Editor with JavaScript
Hello all, Working with HTML Editor we wanted t
by gaurav.gautam -
How to hide particular div with just one click?
Hi, you want a condition in which the particula
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
How to Create and Retrieve Array in Javascript?
If you want to store multiple values in a single v
by siddharth.shahi
How to get screen resolution under different devices
If you would like make adjustment under different screen resolution. Please follow the code below:
var width = jQuery(window).width();
var height = jQuery(window).height();
setTimeout() method in JavaScript
The setTimeout() method in JavaScript sets a time interval during which the CPU wait to perform the task specified in it. It alter the time interval of the CPU to perform the tasks.
The Syntax of the setTimeout() is as :
How to put a slider using jQuery plugin and jQuery?
Adding a custom slider into a web page or website enhances the look and feel of the website. Hence, below is the code of making a custom slider and using it in your web site.
I am using jQuery and a plugin called SlidesJS. You just have to i...
Image Slider In Javascript
If you want image slider using Javascript then you can use below code .
CSS Code :
<style type="text/css">
// to make a gap from top
body {
margin-top: 100px;
// give styling to list
How to give a sliding effect(slide down and slide up) on a div using jquery.
We are using simple jquery to implement a slide down and slide up effect on a div. Also a little styling can be done using css and HTML.
<div id="divTest" style="width: 40px; height: 40px; display: none; background-color: #fff...
How to find a string inside another string using Javascript
Suppose you have two strings and you need if they contains same words. Then in this case you have to use 'strName.indexOf' function.
Let's consider the example below:-
var MyString= "I'm explaining string match on findnerd portral";
var F...
How to generate random number using Javascript
In Javascript you have a number of functions to genrate random numbers between two given digits. Some of them are inbulit and some you can create for your own, But the simplest way to perform the operation is the code below:-
// Returns a rand...
How to use different versions of Jquery on a single page
If you calling the different versions of Jquery then your code can clash the mutual variables.
To use each of the Jquery versions separately you have to use " jQuery.noConflict()"
Consider the links with multiple Jquery versions below:-
How to compare two dates using Javascript
On using the javascript technology you can perform the comparison operation very quick in real time.
In this case we will see how to compare two given date:-
var DateOne = "1991-10-10".split('-');
var DateTwo = "2005-09-01".split('-');
How to sort an given array using Javascript
Hello Reader!. If you dealing with a array full of unsorted keys then you can use some of the syntax to sort them in any order, Consider the cases below:-
var MyArray = [
{ Entry: { Fname: 'Micky', Lname: 'Jones' }, CustomerID: 56563 },
The setDate() Method in Javascript
To set the day of the month (1-31), we use setDate() method
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Evon technologies</h1>
<p>The Example of setDate() method to set the date of a month</p>
How to upload multiple files using Jquery
Hello Reader's!. Now multiple files on a single getting in fashion so you can use any of the multiple upload library code, But here we'll see how to use Jquery and PHP to do the same
For getting it start we need a html form page and it'll go ...
onfocus event in Javascript
When a user clicks on an input field and it gets focus
<!DOCTYPE html>
function evon(i) {
i.style.background = "grey";
How to sort the array of objects by date in ascending and descending order using Javascript?
To sort the array of objects by date in ascending and descending order, we are using JavaScript sort() method , as discussed earlier. Below is the code to provide the same functionality.
<!DOCTYPE html>
sort() method in JavaScript
sort() method is used to sort the elements of an array in ascending or descending order. The elements of array sort as strings (in alphabetic and ascending order), by default.
var names=[garry, john, anny, harry];
onsubmit javascript Event
After submitting the information,user clicks the submit button.
<!DOCTYPE html>
function confirmInput() {
fname = document.forms[0].fname.value;
alert("Hiii " + fname + "! You will n...
JQuery click() method
To assign a click event to all paragraphs we use this method. this is the syntax:
now, in next step when an event fires, You must pass a function to this event:
The $(...
Javascript Strings
JavaScript strings are used for storing text and manipulating it.
A JavaScript string is used to store a series of characters like "Pranav Chhabra".
A string can be any text inside quotes
<!DOCTYPE html>
How to resize the iframe for any content load
iframe are fixed of length but you can still make it dynamic in height and width, the logic behind this is to pass message from your html frame to the new class helper html window.
And by using the src ="" with given through the url.
And the...
How to make group of data using Angular filter
Angular JS is most of the newest technology we are learning these days, By using of angular JS you can do some really fast operation that happens in realtime.
We'll consider an example of making group by of elements if array.
example having s...
How to redirect a Web Page via Javascript
First question is that it is legitimate to use JavaScript redirect over other available options like Htaccess Redirect, html Redirect, Php redirect etc. as SEO point of view ?
The answers is famous quote from Google Support itself.
The addEventListener() method in Javascript
an event listener method fires whenever user clicks on a button. It attaches an event handler to the document.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>This is the example of addEventListener() method.</p>...
Arrays and Objects in Javascript
Objects -> Javascript objects is a set of properties and methods . A method is a member of an object and their value is property . Javascript contain 4 kinds of objects :
1) Intrinsic objects -> Array and String .
2) Objects
3) Host o...
How to put coma between hundreds and thousands of any given number
Hello reader's!
On a given number format if you want it to be customize like a figure with separated by (,)
like 128,347,556. By using a function and in the function we will Preg Match the string with every hundreds and thousands
You can use...
Simple Use of jQuery.each() method.
jQuery.each method is basically used to loop through every element of both objects and arrays.It is very useful for iterating the elements.
The $.each() method is important because it can be used to iterate over any collection. The syntax for...
Javascript setDate() Method
In Javascript setDate ( ) method set the day of the Date object based on the beginning of the current month( or local time) .
dateObj.setDate ( dayValue )
dateObj -> It is mandatory and it is an integer which re...
Using a General utility method jQuery.contains().
jQuery.contains method is a general utility method that returns a boolean object if DOM element in the second argument is within the DOM element of the first argument.
The syntax is as follows:- jQuery.contains( container , contained ).
I ...
Javascript toPrecision() Method
In Javascript toPrecision ( ) method is used to represent a number either in exponential form or in fixed-point length with a specified number of digits .
Syntax ->
number.toPrecision ( [ precision lenght ] )
Parameters ->
Javascript The toFixed() Method
Basically toFixed ( ) method is used to cut a number after the decimal upto certain point . Suppose i have a number **i.e 12.345678** and i want this number **upto 2 decimal** places only , then using toFixed method i can cut the number afte...
Javascript The toExponential() Method
Basically toExponential method is used to convert a number into exponential form . In this method parameter is optional , if you write the parameter then this method do round the number otherwise not .
numObj.toExponential ( [ fractio...
toString() Method in javascript
Basically toString ( ) method is used to convert a number into a String .In this there is no argument .
Obj.toString ( )
Simple Example -
var number = 15 ;
var no = num.toString ( ) ; // Output -> 15
Every Object has ...
Infinity Number in Javascript
Basically Infinity property is a numeric value i.e represent the undefined value .
If the value of infinity is very-very small and negative then it would be negative infinity .
If the value of infinity is very-very large and positive then it...
onkeyup Event in Javascript
This function gets Executed when a user releases a key on the keyboard.
A function is triggered when user releases the key and it transforms character to upper case.
<p>This is the example of onkeyup event<...
Display image preview before upload using jQuery
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<img id="thumbnail" src="test.png" alt="Image"/>
How to find the current time and timezone using JavaScript?
If you want to find the current time and timezone using JavaScript, you can use below example.
In this example, moment.js api has been used.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type=...
How to make a redirect html page using jQuery
Redirecting a web page will occur in the header part of the page.
In JQuery the page redirect have a code and it will go like this below
// similar behavior as clicking on a link
window.location.href = "http://findnerd.com";
As soon thi...
Undefined Vs Null in Java Script
Undefined Vs Null in JavaScript
Undefined means a variable has been declared but not assign any value. While null is an assignment value. It can be assigned to a variable that represent no value.
For Example:
var x;
Javascript The setFullYear() Method
In Javascript , setFullYear ( ) method set the full year for a for a given date based on local time . It return a new timestamp .
Syntax ->
setFullYear( yearValue , monthValue , dayValue ) <br>
Parameter ->
yearValue -> I...
Javascript The getFullYear() Method
Basically in Javascript getFullYear( ) method is used to return the full year based on the local time .Use this method instead of getYear( ) method .
Syntax ->
year.getFullYear(); // None parameter
Return ->
It return an absolute...
Javascript The getTime() Method
In Javascript , getTime() method return the numeric value ( in milliseconds ) corresponding to the time for the specified data according to universal time . Through this method you can assign a date and time to another Date Object. Basically thi...
The valueOf() Method
In Javascript ,valueOf() method is used to wrapped the primitive value of a String object .And this method is automatically call by javascript (from backend ).
Syntax :
stringobj.valuOf( ) // There is no parameter .
In Javascript , this...
JavaScript Object Properties
Properties are defined as the values that are associated with a JavaScript object.It is also called the very important part of Javascript.
A JavaScript object is made up of a collection of un-ordered properties.It can be changes, added, deleted....
Javascript operator precedence
In Javascript , operator precedence is followed when we perform operators to evaluate mathematical calculation. Higher precedence perform before than the lower precedence i.e multiplication should be done before addition.
Simple Example ->
JavaScript Popup Boxes
Alert Box
An alert box is used if you want to make sure that user has provided the information .
user have to click "OK" to proceed whenever pop-up arises.
<!DOCTYPE html>
HTML Event Attributes
Let us discuss some of the HTML Events Attributes:
1. oninput
2. onselect
3. onchange
4. onsubmit
5. onkeypress
6. onresize
Let us discuss it one by one
1. oninput - When an element get the user input, this attribute fires autom...
JavaScript String Operators
Basically string is used to hold the data in text form . Mostly used operation on string is to check the length of string , to concatenate with the help of + and += ,check for substring with the help of indexOf method and extract substring with t...
JavaScript indexof() and lastindexof() String Methods
indexof() method
The indexOf() method gives the position of the first occurrence of a particular text in a string
< !DOCTYPE html>
<p id="see">I am Very good person</p>
<button onclick="mydata()"...
onreset event in Javascript
The onreset is used event when we want to reset a form.
it allows users to clear checkboxes or input field which refreshes the whole form.
onreset = "JavascriptCode"
<!DOCTYPE html>
Angularjs difference between routeprovider and stateprovider
$route: This is used for deep-linking URLs to controllers and views (HTML partials) and watches $location.url() in order to map the path from an existing definition of route.
When we use ngRoute, the route is configured with $routeProvider and...
Javascript Form validation
It is important to validate the form submitted by the user because it can have inappropriate values. So validation is must.
Form validation is required to prevent web form malicious users
Most of the web developers prefer JavaScript form valid...