Top 10 Template Engines for JavaScript
What is a Template engine? Template Engines are
by nishant.mishra -
jQuery Accordion
Hello readers! In this Blog we will gain knowled
by vishwanath.rana -
How to make Numbered and bulleted list in HTML Editor with JavaScript
Hello all, Working with HTML Editor we wanted t
by gaurav.gautam -
How to hide particular div with just one click?
Hi, you want a condition in which the particula
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
How to Create and Retrieve Array in Javascript?
If you want to store multiple values in a single v
by siddharth.shahi
Regular expressions for Email Validation
Regular expressions for Email Validation
In this post, we are going to elaborate, how can we implement Regular Expressions for email validation in JavaScript. There are many validation example and function are available, but ...
Sample application of angularJS
Hello guys,
Here, I am writing a blog to develop application using AngularJS. AngularJs is a framework of JavaScript such as JQuery and it's very efficient. AngularJS is a cross browser independent.
First of all, we need to add angularJS API ...
Overview of AngularJS
AngularJS is a powerful JavaScript based framework to create RICH Internet Application and developer's have option to write client side application in MVC way. Applications of angularJS are cross browser independent and it handles automatically j...
Adding and Deleting items in dropdown using javascript.
Hi Readers!
In this blog we will learn How we can Add and Delete items in dropdown in JavaScript. .In the bellow example we are going to add items in dropdown and delete selected item from the dropdown list on specific button click .
Prototypical Inheritance
Javascript is a prototype-based language. It works on objects. Each object has an internal property called prototype,from which other objects inherit properties. It extends the functionalities of class. The prototype object has a prototype...
How to load javascript files asynchronously
Hello all,
Working with HTML and JavaScript we usually keep our JavaScript code in separate files to keep our code organized and manageable.
If we are using various plugins in our website which has lots of JavaScript files with it, in that ...
Form validation in AngularJS
Hello guys,
I am writing a blog to validate the HTML form by angularJS. We can validate the many thing by angularJs on real time basis for example-
required field, maximum length, minimum lenght and text pattern etc..
Now, create a form...
How to create and modify the attributes of property in JavaScript
This tutorial will help a user to learn how to create a property with specified attribute values or modify the attributes of a property that already exists in JavaScript
1. Creating a property:
// using Object.defineProperty() for cre...
Prevent Adding/Deleting/Modifying properties of an object in JavaScript
This tutorial will help us about the internal property [[Extensible]].This internal property [[Extensible]] of an object in javascript, is used to specify whether properties can be add to an object or not.Before using the internal property [[Exte...
Type of "properties of object" in JavaScript
In this tutorial we will learn about the properties of an object in JavaScript, classification of the properties, attributes of properties.There are 3 kinds of properties an object in JavaScript have:
1: Data Property: In this property of ...
How to debug javascript
JavaScript Debugging
Debugging is very complex for users to writing a JavaScript code without a debugger in web page.
Javascript code might contain syntax errors, or logical errors, which are difficult to find out.
Note : Javascript e...
Object in JavaScript
This tutorial will help a user to learn what is an object in JavaScript. How null is not an object though it show that null is an object.How function is an object.
An object in JavaScript is a set of key:value pairs. Every pair is called a pro...
Checkbox checked an unchecked in jquery and javascript
Hello guys,
If you want to check and unchecked the checkbox in javascript and jquery use the below code.
For example :
Checkbox: <input type="checkbox" id="checkboxid" class ='checkboxclass'>
Checked and unchecked to checkbo...
html() and text() functions in Jquery
Hello Readers,
It returns the entire content inside of specific html element inside the div.
As in example given below, how can we use the jquery html() function.
Here, we consider the div tag and inside the div we take text ...
Invoking functions in Javascript
This tutorial will help to understand the different ways of invoking functions in Javascript. The another term we use for invoking function is "calling a function". Functions can be invoked in different ways as below:
Let us create a file Invoke...
Extract value from JSONArray in Javascript
Hello Guys,
I will explain that how to extract values from JSONArray String in Javascript.
For example we have this jsonarray string below:
var jsonarraystr ='[{
"city": "Jaipur",
"state": "Rajasthan",
Check Live Traffic on your Website
Hello everyone, today we discuss about "Check Live traffic on your live website".
When you have a Website, and you are thinking about learning the things like, exactly who visited your Website, you want to recognize the number of visitors, and...
Using bind function in javascript
This tutorial will help to learn how to make use of bind function in javascript. We use bind function, that helps us to use the properties and methods of any other object.bind function creates
it's new method that has it's own this object which...
How to detect your website is running on mobile or web browser with jquery
If you would like to know your web application running on which platform like mobile or web browser. Please use the below code for the same.
if(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ){
How to prevent the default event of a button and avoid the page refresh in javascritp
This tutorial will help to understand the basic behavior about button element. Button is a form element
and hence button can do things happen when we use it in it's natural environment i.e. the form.
To use button without form we will have to u...
How to Change the Number of Records show 10 entries of jQuery Datatable
In this short tutorial I have given an example to change the number of records “show 10 entries” of jquery datatable.
If you are using the DataTable then by default it will show the records for 10,25,50 ...
Reset or Retrieve value of all hidden type input box of FORM or DIV using jquery
Reset or Retrieve value of all hidden type input box of FORM or DIV using jQuery .each() method. You can use below code for this
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Reset or Retrieve value of all hidden ...
How to use request handler to route different requests in Node.js
This tutorial will help user to learn how to use request handler to handle different URLs.
For this we will create another module named requestHandler wherein we can define
some functions and the request to these functions will be handled by t...
Checking for undefined in Javascript
Undefined is a variable in global scope. A variable that has not been assigned any value is referred as undefined.
You can check for undefined in various ways.Here are some ways to check :-
Checking via Strict equality(===)
var a;
How to route requests in Node.js
This tutorial will help, learn how to route the requests in Node.js, for correct routing it is
necessary to get the exact pathname and pass correct values via query string. We can
get all these information through the request object. Hence to...
How to create a module in Node.js
How to create our own module in Node.js so that we can use the functionality of the module
in our code where we need it, instead of writing the same logic. Here we will use the test.js
file as a module in our index.js file. Suppose on hitting ...
How to create an http server in Node.js
This tutorial will help a user to create an http server in Node.js and run an applications at server side.
Follow the steps as below:
Install Node.js
Lets create a file test.js which we will place in the root directory of our applicati...
How to move the marker to the postion clicked on the google map.
Here is the example where various functionalities like styles (StyledMapType), info window, marker events, etc, have been implemented
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
How to recognize touch events for DOM elements
Hammer.js is a open-source library used for identifying touch gesture, mouse events and pointer Events. It is a standalone library .
link for downloading library
Below is the code snippet to use...
How to detect and validate credit card numbers in jQuery
If you want to detect and validate credit card numbers in jquery you can use the below code.
In this we use client side validation to verify the credit card type or user using valid card number.
It will display the type of detected credit c...
Reference-counting garbage collection in Javascript
In Javascript, when we define any variable(string, object, integer, function etc..), some memory is allocated with it and freed when they are not in use by garbage collector and this process is called garbage collection. This whole process we can...
How to use custom filters in our code in AngularJS
Filter is one of the important part in angularJS. There are many default filters like:
1. uppercase
2. lowercase
3. orderby
We can use these filter simply by adding a pipe character (|) in the expression.
Now we will discuss a custom ...
How to create an Accordion
This tutorial will help you to create an accordion and use it for making html page more user friendly, interactive and presentable. Accordion are usually used in pages that consists questionnaires and wherein we want to display the answers and mo...
Get the current position of element using jquery
Welcome to FindNerd.
We are going to describe the functions to get the current position of the bound element. There are two functions named offset and position. They are used as a same manner. Let's take an example of both function.
Custom events in jquery
When we think about the jquery then first thing comes in mind that is events so today we are going to discuss the custom events. Do you know about custom events? Its name has cleared the concept, means your own events. There are so many benefits ...
Basic Tutorial of Jquery Effects Method
About JQuery
jQuery is a cross-platform JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML.
jQuery's syntax is de...
Set time interval between events with queue function
Hello Readers,
In this Blog I explain about the events and queue functions and how can we set interval between this events in jquery.
If you can use this then:
First, you can use queue() function (jquery function) to set time interval be...
jQuery Accordion
Hello readers!
In this Blog we will gain knowledge about Accordion and how to use it . An Accordion is a vertically stacked list of items which allows users to toggle the display of sections of content. Each item(Header in this example) can be ...
jQuery events
Welcome friends. Today we are here to discuss the heart of jquery. Do you know who is the heart of jquery?. i think your answer is ready. Am i right?. Events are the heart of the jquery. If we say, events means jquery and jquery means events then...
Event binding on dynamically created elements?
Event binding is an advantage of jquery. In jquery we implement the event binding to handle the newly created elements on page. Jquery has provided different functions/events for different versions. Before discussing these types of functions/even...
Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as getElementById not find the element?
Welcome to this quick discussion. Today we are going to discuss the basic concepts of jquery. Have you tried to use the getElementById without window load or document ready events? Do you know why does it not work without these events? Every time...
How to create deleteCookie() function in JavaScript
With the help of javascript, I have created deleteCookie() function. In the code given below, I have stored all the values in a single cookie and then used deleteCookie() function for deleting the cookie. When the cookie session expires, previous...
Jquery return false vs preventDefault
Today we are going to discuss the diffence between return false and preventDefault. We mostly use these scripts but don't know their working so let's go we first discuss the preventDefault.
A) PreventDefault: it is helpful to stop the default ...
Window resize event using jQuery
Events are the strength of jquery. There are different types of events for different purposes in jquery such as click,change etc. We are going to discuss one of the events named resize. It will be applied on the window size change. It will call a...
How to create conditional display using AngularJS
With the help of AngularJS, I have created a conditional display function. In the example given below, I have used ng-show( for showing the element ) and ng-hide( similar to 'display:none' or hide the element ) derivatives.
Select DOM Elements by Attribute Value in jQuery
Hi All,
JQuery is a awesome JavaScript api to handle HTML DOM elements. We can do client side form validation, DOM manipulation using the JQuery library. In this article I will show you how to select or manipulate a DOM element using it's attr...
How to create dynamic checkbox using JavaScript
With the help of JavaScript, I have created a dynamic checkbox function. When i will click on create button it will dynamically create a checkbox item list and by clicking on checkbox item it will be removed easily.
How to Add and Remove items in array using AngularJS
With the help of Angularjs, We can dynamically add or remove list items in an array. It is shown In the example given below.
Addition of the list items is done using 'push' method and removal of the item is done...
How to set Cookie() function in JavaScript.
With the help of javascript i have created set Cookie() function. In the below code I have store all the values in the single cookie. By using this function many cookies will store at a time.
<script type="text/javascript">
var today ...
How to pass a variable from php to javascript
Hello reader!
There are mane ways to pass a variable from one technology to another technology but if you do want to use PHP, always encode with json_encode before outputting.
lets see this quick example
var jsvariable ...