List of Top 10 Node.js Frameworks for Beginner Web Developers
JavaScript is one of the most popular language for
by nishant.mishra
Login process with passport module in nodejs
Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to point out the steps for login process in nodejs. In nodejs we use passport and passport-local modules for authentication. Passport works with express module. Passport process the request to authenticate ...
Node.js application directory structure
Node.js does not come with any predefined folder structure thus in order to architect your application it entirely depend on your nature of choice. Before architecting any application you should keep in mind the nature and scope of an application...
Authentication in NodeJS using Passport
Authentication is a mechanism of verifying users coming to particular system so that they can only make use of resources for which they have been provided permission. Having a strong authentication mechanism in an important part of a system.
Discussion on schemas in mongoose with nodejs
Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss schemas in mongoose with nodejs. There are other blogs available on FindNerd which are describing different features of nodejs so you can read out these blogs as well. Question is raised that wha...
Using Webstorm For NodeJS
Webstorm is an IDE developed by JetBrains in order to help quick development with Javascript.
To start using Webstorm on linux machine we...
Discussion on GET request in nodejs
Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss GET request in nodejs. There are different request methods available to process the data. Here we are going to take a small example on GET request in nodejs. First of all we want to mention that ...
node-sass css preprocessor for scss to css conversion
Sass stands for "Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets". It is compatible with all CSS versions available.
If your CSS is getting complex, harder to maintain, here you can take the help of preprocessor. Sass allows you to create v...
Events and emitters
Node.js comes with lots of core modules one of them is events module. We use EventEmitter in node js to create custom events and to react those custom events.
It is something similiar as jQuery events:-
element.on('click', function(msg) {
NodeJS and MongoDB
Node.js which make use of chrome v8 engine can be used for building fast, scalable network applications. It is based on event-driven and non-blocking I/O model thus making it lightweight and efficient and most suitable for real time application.
Discussion on custom modules in nodejs
Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss custom modules in Nodejs. As we have discussed the in-build modules as well as other modules which are provided by npm. We can also create our own modules. Kindly use the following steps.
What is callback hell?
Callback hell is the nesting of callbacks that is one callback inside another. Callback hell is very bad thing in nodejs, you should always avoid it.
To avoid callback hell you can:
1) Break callback into individual function
Discussion on jade/pug framework in nodejs
Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss jade/pug framework in nodejs. Jade is framework for HTML templating in nodejs. Its maintainers have changed its name to pug due to trademark issue. Jade already registered name for other project....
Node Package Manager in Node.js
Node Package Manager (npm) stands for node package manager and it is a command line interface for installing Node.js packages,do version management and dependency management of Node.js packages.
npm can be used to install packages in local or gl...
Discussion on MongoDB with Nodejs
Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss mongoDB with nodejs. We use mongoDB with nodejs. MongoDB is nosql database. It is open source as well as cross-platform and well documented database. MongoDB uses collection which is set of mongo...
Restart Node.js server
While working on any node js application we have to restart node server every time we make any changes to the code. For a developer, it affects the productivity and is also irritating for some of us.
To solve this problem we have a module in nod...
fs module in nodejs
Welcome to FindNerd,
Today we are going to discuss an example of nodejs modules. We have already discussed the nodejs in-built modules in our previous blog. click here to check the blog. We are going to take an example of fs module in no...
Simple chat application in node.js
Today, I am going to show you, how to create a simple chat application in node js using a special model "socket.io". It simply transmits messages from one client to all others.
For this, I am going to create two files:-
1: main.js...
Discussion on in-build modules of Nodejs
Welcome to FindNerd. Today we are going to discuss in-build modules in nodejs. If you work in nodejs then you should be familiar with modules. There are many in-build modules available in core libraries of nodejs. You can also get the modules fro...
Calling function in another file Node
It is always good practice to break your code into smaller files which are more meaningful as per the actions being performed in them. Splitting files into smaller one will require us to have some way by which we can call each other as required a...
Authentication using JSON Web Token (jwt) in node.js
Authentication is one of the big part of any application. JSON web token is one of the safest medium of transferring information between two parties. The token is a long encryped string that has 3 parts-
The headers - It contai...
Child Process(exec or spawn) In Node JS
As we all know that Node.js runs in a single thread mode and in order to achieve performance it make use of event-driven methodology. This event-driven methodology make Node.js efficient for I/O processes , but sometime there are cases where appl...
Environment Variables (Part 2)
In part 1 of this series we have seen how easily we can export environment variables to .bash_profile file with Linux "export" command and then using it with "process.env" . But this approach do have some drawbacks does not sc...
Authentication Using PassportJS in express node.js
PassportJS is a flexible Authentication middleware that allows users to login. PassportJS library is fully customizable and works well with ExpressJS.
It is flexible in the sense that it allows the user for different login strategies such as L...
Environment Variables( Part 1)
What exactly are the environment variables? Environment variables are a set of key value pairs on which our project configuration depend and which might change according to the environment in which code it running i.e development/production/stagg...
Create and load simple module in node JS application
Let's create a simple calculation module which performs the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two numbers to the console.
As we know that in node app, module has a separate js file. So we'll create a calculate.j...
Promises in node.js
Promises are the alternatives of callbacks for delivering the results of asnchronous computations. From the implementation point of view callbacks are easier to implement, promises need some efforts. A promise is used for asynchronous calculation...
Event Emitters in node js
Event emitter in node js?
Event Emitter is a class that is in event module. Event emitter simply allows you to listen for "events" and assign actions to
run when those event occur. If you are familiar with front end development then...
What is javascript engine?
There are several different implementations of javascript engines by far the most popular engine is Google's V8( Which is not only limited to client side but also with the server side with NodeJS).
But what is actually does? It's actua...
Callback in node.js
A callback is a function which is highly used in node js. When we want to run any task after the success or completion of a given task then we will use a callback. We will write maximum API in such a way that they will support callback.
I will...
Introduction to Node.js
Node.js is an open source, cross platform JavaScript runtime built on top of Google's V8 JavaScript Engine . It was originally written by Ryan Dahl. Node.js uses an event driven nonblocking I/O model that...
CSV upload using nodeJS.
Node.js is the server side scripting language. In this blog, I am explaining how I will upload the CSV file using Node.Js.
Here is the step by step implementation of CSV upload.
Step 1:
In the first step, we will create a view page where...
Use of Streams in NodeJs
Streams are objects, which are use to read/write operation from or to a file. There are four types of streams.
Readable - used for read file. Writable -used for write file.
Duplex - used for both read and write a file.
Transform &n...
Callbacks in Node.js
Node.js depend on the asynchronous code to do the execution fast so having dependable callbacks is very crucial. Callback functions is called at the completion of any task. In node, code is dependent on callback, so that every thing execute fast....
Steps to Install Express JS
Express JS is a Node JS web application framework. Here I am telling about the installation of Express JS and create your small test application using MEAN . Also I am assuming you have already installed Node.Js and MongoDB in your sy...
Node.Js REPL command prompt
Its a command prompt like Unix/Linux shell where we can entered command and get output in interactive mode. REPL, i.e. Read Eval Print Loop, environment is bundled with Node.Js and REPL performs the following tasks.
Read &n...
Callbacks in NodeJs
A callback is a function which is called after completion of a current running task. In Nodejs, all APIs are fully supports the callbacks asynchronous i.e. Non-Blocking Code features of NodeJs.
Due to Non-Blocking features NodeJs makes highly ...
Below is the list of basic MONGO DB commands which a user can start with :
1) To list all the databases
show dbs
> show dbs
admin (empty)
Node.js Creating Server With Routes
Node.js is a javascript based platform built in Chrome's javascript V8 engine. Creating web server in Node is easy. Node.js is light weight and fast performance It handle great number of simultaneous request at a same time. Node come with som...