Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Best 5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks for REST APIs Development
Are you ready to develop the Rest AP
by ankur.kumar -
PHP: Full-Stack Framework vs Micro Framework
A web framework can be described as a software fra
by ankit.bhatia -
How to get facebook profile picture by Facebook App
If you would like to get your profile picture in f
by vivek.rastogi -
Creating RESTful API in cakephp
This tutorial will help you to learn how to create
by pushpendra.rawat
How to remove blank spaces from Request using recursive in CakePHP
Removing the white spaces from a string is a easy task, but for doing this in whole of you website you need the recursive function in Cakephp
The 'array_walk_recursive()' will recursively get the request(GET/PUT) data and remove the white/blan...
What are the different errors in PHP
There are basically 4 different type of errors in Php.
Parse Error It stops the execution of php script . Commonly caused due to syntax mistakes in codes
E.g. Unclosed single double quotes, missing parentheses or adding extra parentheses...
List of Joomla Versions
Joomla is a Content Management System which is widely used now a days. Joomla released various versions since September, 2005. List of versions are:
Joomla 1.0
It was released on September 22, 2005.
Joomla 1.5(LTS)
It ...
General idea how ATM Machine Works
This blog will help the readers to understand that how ATM machine dispatches the money. Lets have a look on the ATM code in PHP:
$amount = $_REQUEST['amount'];
$rupees = array(1000,500,100,50,20,10);
$count = array(0,0,0,0,0);
How to insert data Value from a HTML form into MySQL Database
In this blog I am going to explain how to insert data from html form into mysql. We have three steps for completing this process.
Create HTML Form
Create MYSQL Database.
Mysql Database Connection and retrieve HTML for...
Procedures for installing Joomla extensions
Extensions are used to extra features to the Joomla website. They are very easy to install and use. There are two ways to install joomla extensions:
Installation from Backend:
To install from backend you will need to follow the followin...
How to assign the Login Form module to selected web pages?
It is very easy in Joomla to assign login modules to selected web pages. You need to follow the following steps:
Login to backend of your website(Joomla administrator).
Go to Extensions --> Module Manager (You will get a page displaying ...
How to change defualt auth fields in cakephp
If you want to change default auth fields, add the below code in your app controller
public $components = array('Session',
'Auth' => array(
'authenticate' => array(
'Form' => array(
How to check mode_rewrite is enables on the server?
To check mod_rewrite enabled or not you need to follow the following steps:
Create a php file on to your server and call phpinfo() function to that file.
Now access the file using your Browser.
Inside apache2handler you will find a field L...
How to correct error "Header already sent"
Hello readers. On developing the website the error 'Header already sent' is very likely to occur.
This is cause by PHP when it receives outputs like echo or html tags now it can take the data but then further passing it to HTTP will be very diff...
Deleting Caches in Codeigniter
Some time developers fetch the cache problem when they are developing the app with the codeigniter framework. Below I am giving some methods that how you can clear the cache of codeigniter.
In codeigniter, the cache is save in the folder with...
How to use Gmail as a mail server in Joomla?
Sometimes in Joomla you can come across the situation that the default PHP mailing service not working properly. So in such cases you can use SMTP mail service in your site. To set SMTP service in Joomla site with gmail we need to follow the foll...
Extension types in Joomla
Joomla is a Content Management System which is free and open source to design websites easily. To add extra features in Joomla which are not available we need to extend it using extensions. Extensions role is to add some extra functionality to th...
How to check which version of Joomla is running on website?
To check the version of joomla you are using includes various steps depends upon the version of joomla you are using. So here various steps are given according to the joomla version
Joomla 1.0.x:
Login to the backend of your site(admin se...
How to install Joomla?
To install joomla following steps needed to follow:
Download the Joomla installation package from the Joomla.org.
Once downloaded you will get a zip file. Unzip the file and upload the joomla files to your server.
Next you need to create a...
How to remove index.php from Magento URLs?
To remove index.php from magento url follow these steps -
1) Log in to magento admin.
2) Go to System->Configuration.
3) Select Web tab under General section on the left side.
4) Select Yes for Use Web Search Rewrites.
Clear cache and...
Fetch Modes in PDO statement
PDO statement uses the setfetchmode() method to set the default fetch mode.
$mode: mode is a valid value pass to fetch() method.
Some of the commonly used fetching modes are:
PDO connecting to mysql
Access data from mysql using PDO includes the following steps:
connect to a MySQL database:
$db_conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$hostname;dbname=$dbname", $username, $password);
create a select statement and then execute it by using query() m...
Output buffering in PHP
Output buffering is mechanism in which sending a response to the browser . Without output buffering (the default) you HTML is send to the browser in pieces as php script . With output buffering your HTML is store in a variable and send to the b...
How to create user authentication plugin in joomla
Authentication plugin provides facility for user to authenticate the user from any source such as database. As all the plugins in Joomla are inherited by jPlugin class so we can create our own custom plugin which will inherit from base class for ...
PDO(PHP Data Objects)
PDO stands for PHP Data Objects. It is a php extension which provides an interface used to access the database. It basically provides an abstraction layer to access the database regardless of the database we are using. It supports many databases ...
Invalid method Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View::_isSecure(Array())
I have faced the issue of Invalid method Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View::_isSecure(Array()) after creating the copy of rwd theme in magento1.9.0. So would like to tell about the solution, if somebody will face the same problem then just copy the...
How to Redirect a Webpage using Php Header Function
Hello Guys,
In this Blog, we are going to discuss How to redirect URL with the help of Php language. If you want simpler method like Html redirection for this you can visit my previous blog How to Redirect a Website using HTML Code.
Php C...
Joom Donation Extension
Joomla provides a powerful donation extension known as joom donation. It is very powerful and rich featured extension that is used for collecting donors information and get donation from them via online payment gateways such as paypal, authorise...
Top 10 most common components in joomla
Component is a type of joomla extension. They work as a mini application in joomla. Joomla provides several components which gives it the power to be the best CMS in the world. Some of the top joomla components are:
"array_search" in multidimensional array PHP
In this tutorial I will describe that how you can search any value in multidimensional array in PHP.
I am taking an example to describe this. Like-
I want to fetch 'salary' with the name 'xyz' employee from an user array list.
"array_column" function is not working in PHP
Through this tutorial I will help you to solve the problem if "array_column" function is not working. May be you are using the older version of PHP.
Let me remind you, this will work with 5.5 version or higher of PHP.
Below I am writing t...
Array deferencing in php
Array Dereferencing is a good feature which is available in PHP 5.4 version. using this user can directly access an array object directly of a method a functions.
The purpose of using this is to reduce the unnecessary lines of code because of th...
Remove WP default editor from post type
Hello Readers,
If you want to remove the default editor from your post type, then you may use below code.
It remove the default editor from your custom post type and you can use it for default post type as well.
remove_post_type_support() ...
How to remove unwanted HTML tags from WP menu
Hello Readers,
If you want to remove default <div> and <li> tags from the WP menu, you can use below code.
It will remove the default <div> Tag and default <ul> Tag from your menu item.
The defualt Wp code is below
How to add watermark in image using PHP script.
Hi guys ,it really helps to add watermark on images . In this code you will see that we get the position of watermark .png image where you want to place then copy to the watermark image on the main images.
* adding watermark to a...
How to sort table columns using Table Sorter
Follow the given steps:
1) Add the script in your page
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery-latest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.tablesorter.js"></script>
2) I...
K2 Components and their uses in Joomla
Joomla is a CMS which provides several components. One such powerful component is K2. K2 is a content extension for Joomla which is very powerful and easy to use. It is used as a replacement of the default article system in Joomla because of rich...
Play youtube video on web page and remove references of other youtube videos at the end of video
Hello Readers,
When we play a video on our webpage at the end of the of video it provides reference links of other videos so, if you want to play video and do not want to provide any reference links, below code will make this possible.
How to use caching using database in codeigniter
Enabling caching .
Caching is enabled in three step.
1) Create a writable directory on your server where you want strored the cache files.
2) Set the path to your cache folder in your application/config/database.php file.
3) Enable t...
How to use caching in codeigniter
Web page caching
Lets we use the caching in codeigniter to achieve the maximum performance.
While CodeIgniter is quite fast, the amount of dynamic data you display in your hypertext pages will correlate directly to the server resources, memory...
How to secure your joomla admin url
First you need to create a new folder directory inside root folder and create index.php where you need to create cookie.
header("Location: /administrator/index.php"...
How to get specific part of a URL
Hi Readers!
If you having a useful URL and want to extract the specific part from it you learn the logic below
Lets have a example
$yoururl = "http://www.abc.com/usefulinfo/";
Here I'm getting only the /usefulinfo/ word. For getting th...
How to get WP menu in array form
Hello readers, today we will discuss about WP menu.
If you want to get WP menu in array form , you can use below code and will get your menu in array.
/** Get the nav menu based on $menu_name (same as 'theme_location' or 'menu' ar...
How to create custom setting in wordpress
Hello readers today we will discuss "How to create custom setting in wordpress admin dashboard".
Open your function.php file and write the below code:-
* Sound promo code
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'showMenu' );
function showMe...
Jomsocial Modules
Modules are the type of joomla extension which is used for page rendering. These are the small sections in joomla. These are totally depend upon the positions in joomla. Some of the jomsocial plugins are:
mod_activegroups: Displays the list of...
Magento: Hello World Module
To start with module development in magento it is necessary to understand the file structure needed to create module. To understand the structure we are going to develop one hello world module to display content in front end.
1) app/etc/module...
Error and Exception Handling in PHP - Session 10
This tutorial explains about error and exception handling in PHP.
Introduction to Cookies and Sessions in PHP
What is a Cookie?
A cookie can contain different data that is stored on the client browser with server specific information like user id and or user preferences.
What are Sessions?
Sessions are used to store information in the form of va...
How to Clear Cache in Magento
We can delete magento cache in either way -
A- Usign magento admin panel -
1) Go to magento admin
2) Go to system > cache management .
3) There you will find the list of caches available in magento
4) To clear the cache...
Cakephp Callback functions
Hello Reader,
We have three cakephp callback function which generally used into the cakephp projects.
1> beforeFilter(): beforeFilter() is the cakephp callback function which can be used in AppController or in Controller and this functio...
Composer install vs Composer update
Composer update is used when we want to update all our dependencies. By using Composer update command that will convert all our old version to latest version.
So never use composer update command on production for our existing project because th...
Twilio integration with laravel 4.x
We have to follow few steps to integrate twilio with laravel 4.x.
Step 1:
First we have to install package. For this we will add below code on composer.json.
"require": {
"dtisgodsson/twilio": "dev-master"
Step 2:
Then ...
compact() and extract() functions in PHP
PHP provides two functions, extract( ) and compact( ), that convert between arrays and variables.
Both compact() and extract() are Array functions of PHP
The compact() function is used to create an array from variables and the...
strchr and strrchr in PHP
Hello Readers,
1> Both strchr and strrchr are the string functions.
2> strchr is an alias of strstr.
3> strchr returns the part of haystack string starting from and including the first occurrence of needle to the end of haystack...