Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Best 5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks for REST APIs Development
Are you ready to develop the Rest AP
by ankur.kumar -
PHP: Full-Stack Framework vs Micro Framework
A web framework can be described as a software fra
by ankit.bhatia -
How to get facebook profile picture by Facebook App
If you would like to get your profile picture in f
by vivek.rastogi -
Creating RESTful API in cakephp
This tutorial will help you to learn how to create
by pushpendra.rawat
Email Scraping with PHP
You can use PHP to extract email addresses as an email scraper. There are a few methods to program a PHP web scraper depending on the source of the email address. Essentially, you can use PHP to scrape email addresses from webpages or scrape emai...
Latest and Dominating PHP Development Trends in 2021
We have already started with 2021, and all we can expect is a year of technology and up-gradation. Talking about PHP, it is one of the highly preferred server-side programming languages. Being a platform-independent and extensible programming lan...
Paypal Checkout REST api integration in Laravel 5.7 with smart payment buttons
Hi All,
Paypal has updated their payment integration API to new REST API and existing APIs have been deprecated since Feb 2019. Due to less documentation, it was very hard to integrate these APIs with Laravel. After spending some time, I was a...
Improve Your PHP Skill and Efficiency with These Amazing Tools & Frameworks
One of the fastest growing programming languages, PHP, has had a strong foundation and is unshakeable today. The fandom behind PHP is huge and the language deserves it. Numbers say it easily that a majority of websites today are built on PHP.
Reasons Why Enterprises Necessitate Laravel Development Services
Laravel PHP framework is developed to make a few development tasks easier for developers for example:
authentication, sessions, caching and routing.
That means web application development difficulties are resolved using ...
Key Advantages of PHP Web Development for Start-up Business
In today’s modern internet world, every business comes along with its latest technology to make something new to online customers. The Internet is a crowded place where every start-up has to face its competitor's challenges. Every busin...
Reasons Why PHP is the First Choice of Web Developers
PHP is one of the most famous unique web advancement dialects. The flexible and competent server scripting language is currently what includes on most destinations which needs a specific username to sign-up, download, transfer, use shopping baske...
10 Best PHP Frameworks That Will Assist In Coding Effectively
Originally standing for Personal Home Page tools, PHP has come a long way. It is now used to refer to Hypertext Preprocessor. The language is very valuable in creating dynamic websites and interacting with other coding languages. Some people crea...
Web Development Benefits in Laravel PHP Framework
An open-source PHP framework, Laravel is considered to be one of the best web application frameworks out there. Its immense popularity can be attributed to a variety of reasons, such as the fact that it is not only easy to understand but also ser...
Top 10 PHP Tools for Web App Development
PHP is a scripting language is derived from C and C++, the syntax of PHP is similar to C++ and it supports object-oriented applications. So, developers find it easy to learn and create websites. The PHP built websites can be integra...
Cloud Based PHP Web Development Platforms To Build Faster, Better Web Apps
There was a time when email users had to keep their email stored on their local computers. Outlook was one such service provider where it used PST files, and Eudora used box files. POP3 protocol was designed to allow users to connect to a mail se...
Why PHP MVC Web Development Framework In Trend Today?
There are a plethora of PHP frameworks available today. They are suitable to develop a web application for any business. Choosing the best PHP framework can be a tough task. It is due to so many available options. Laravel is among the most popula...
Why Laravel is Ruling as PHP Web Development Frameworks?
In this competitive world, PHP is ruling the web development like a boss. PHP is a well-known technology used for the website and web application development. Its the most used technology among various available technologies due to its great feat...
Use Firebase Cloud Messaging to Send Push Notification in PHP Application
Using (FCM) Firebase Cloud Messaging you can send the real time notification to the browser in your PHP web application , Using FCM, you can notify a client that new event or other data or mail is available to sync.
How to Implement ResellerRatings API to Get Star Rating Reviews from Third Party Site - 5 Easy Steps
ResellerRatings API for Brand Reviews is the API’s constructed to tell a story about brand reviews, your review data collection effort, product reviews, and the collection of reviews around ResellerRatings as a business unit.
This tutori...
How to Fetch Facebook Photo Album Using PHP Application in Your Website?
In this tutorial, we will learn about "How to Fetch Facebook Photo Album Using PHP Application in Your Website". I have created a script where you can add your PAGE ID name to fetch all your Facebook albums in your website. With the hel...
PHP Laravel Framework - Installation Steps & Directory Structure List
Laravel is one of the most demanded and powerful PHP framework in today's date created by Taylor Otwell. It is an open-source framework which can be used to develop any kind of web applications in PHP. Laravel follows the Model-View-Con...
What is Zencart eCommerce PHP Web Development Framework & Why is it so Popular?
ecommerce has turned into the method for doing online business today. We as a whole comprehend the criticalness of installing shopping cart programming on your web based business site. Along these lines, on the off chance that you are searching f...
PHP Laravel Framework - Intro, Versions and Features
PHP is one of the most popular server side scripting language which is used for web development. As stated in [1] currently more than 82% of websites are powered by PHP and with the release of a new version (PHP 7), PHP becomes more stable a...
Add & Remove Multiple Dynamic Fields Using JQuery in PHP Application - Easy Way to Do It
Sometimes you need to adding dynamic fields in a form as per client requirement. The dynamic field is new input field which will be created whenever we click + button in our script. Here, in this tutorial, I have provided an easy way to add dynam...
How to Use Json_encode() Function to Pass PHP Array to JavaScript?
json_encode() is corePHP function which is used to generate JSON which will be a simple value (i.e nethier an object nor an array). So, in this tutorial, we will see how to use json_encode() function to pass PHP array to Javascript.
Tips to Find Right PHP Web Development Service Vendor & PHP App Advantages
For business or any organization seeking PHP development services, it is natural to seek out the services of a competent PHP web development company. PHP web development services could generate the best results when used along open source web sol...
How to Export Data Reports in Excel Using Codeigniter Framework
Excel is a spreadsheet which contains cells in form of rows and columns. We can say it is a computer program which is used to record and manipulate data in rows and columns.
In this blog we will learn how export data reports in excel format us...
Top Pain-free Hosting Providers For PHP Web Applications
Since PHP is a popular choice for application developers it is not surprising to note that almost all hosting providers support PHP. The most ideal environment for hassle-free deployment of PHP application is when your hosting provider gives you ...
Configure Mailtrap SMTP to Send or Test e-Mail in PHP Laravel 5.4 App - 9 Easy Steps
Mailtrap is a fake or we can say test SMTP server which provides us "Developers" a service to send, test or share email messages to the mailbox, In a way that the real user does not get disturbed and mark the email spam. And to do that ...
How to Securely Implement Password Encryption in PHP7 Application
If you are developing a web application or any website, you should have to take a stem to store your user's admin password securely in your database.
Secure way means that the way to save your password in your database in an encrypted way ...
How to Create Token Based Approach for Authentic Requests on PHP API
Unlike in website the session are useful for handling users data from one page to another, The API requires a secret token to do the same.
The secret information like email, user type, balance need to be get passed from one request to an...
The list() function and its uses in PHP 7.1
The function, list() is used to assign a list of variables in one operation only as if they were an array.
In php7.1 list() function will not assign variables in reverse order.
The syntax of the list() func...
Learn How to Create Strictly Typed Arrays and Collections in PHP
Strictly Typed Arrays
Strictly Typed Arrays allows to define a variable number of arguments to a function by using "..."
We have to use "..." inside the method parentheses so that method accepts a variable length of argu...
Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP, developed by Taylor Otwell and debuted in June 2011, with a aim to give an alternative of CodeIgniter Framework which will be more advanced and provides features like built-in-support for user a...
CakePHP 3.x Implementation and Installation on Ubuntu - Beginners Tutorials
CakePHP is an open source web development framework for PHP 5.4+. It is a critical programming framework used by web developers which is completely based on MVC structure, a very powerful used to build complex web applicat...
Best 5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks for REST APIs Development
Are you ready to develop the Rest APIs in PHP? The first thing you require is a lightweight PHP Framework to create a fast and reliable restful service. A framework in PHP language is considered as a means to enhance the productivit...
PHP: Full-Stack Framework vs Micro Framework
A web framework can be described as a software framework the helps programmers build web services, web resources and web APIs. There are many frameoworks available for PHP. In this blog, we will discuss what PHP frameworks are and how they differ...
How to Use 2fa Google Authentication in CakePHP 3 and Above - 8 Steps Guide
About Google Authentication/ 2 step verification
2fa stands for "Two Factor Authentication" also called Google authentication which provides security to user account. In order to log-in to their account, they nee...
How to Implement Generators in PHP 7
A generator is the simple and an efficient way to write your code in the form of the iterator.
PHP generators is the simple way to write your code that use the foreach loop to repeat your data set of array, without building that array in the m...
How to Develop Custom Block in Drupal 8 Programmatically - 2 Steps
Drupal has innovative feature to create a block. Blocks are the box of content in which we can wrap the content. Drupal has structure of regions and blocks in which we can assign the blocks into a particular region we have created. Drupal support...
CakePHP vs Node.js : Which One & Why to Use for Web App Development?
CakePHP vs Node.js: Major Differences
CakePHP and Node.JS both are server side technologies but still there can be few dissimilarity between a CakePHP back-end and a JavaScript-powered back-end via Node.js.
How to implement load more dynamic results functionality using jQuery, Ajax Php and Database?
To display or load more results, whether it is commenting on a blog website, like or images on social media or products on eCommerce website the best UX pattern for this is either pagination, a Load more button or infinite scrolling. In this tuto...
Top 10 Free WordPress Plugins to Add Animation Effect to Your Website
WordPress is an open source CMS based on PHP and MySQL, it is very easiest and SEO friendly in all existing CMS. It has many Themes and Plugins free and paid using which you make your website more attractive. So, this article is a set o...
Create Login, Registration and Forgot Password Module in PHP Laravel Application
Laravel makes to the list of most famous, free, open source PHP frameworks. Developers world over uses Laravel framework to develop web applications based on MVC approach. Artisan, the name of the Laravel Command Line Interface (CLI), helps devel...
Learn 4 Easy Steps to Integrate Standard PayPal Gateway in PHP
PayPal is an American Company Founded in 1998 by Palo Alto of California "United States". It provides services to users of online payment globally such as money transfer and traditional payment methods like checks and money orders.
Benefits of Top 3 IDEs for PHP Web Programming
IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. An IDE is a software application used by programmers for code development and debugging. It increases programmer productivity. The best IDE comes with a number of features and services to develop...
How to Display Advance Custom Fields in Wordpress - 2 Different Methods
Custom fields are the addition fields in WordPress that are used to show the custom data that we want to show/have in our WordPress posts/custom/posts or pages.
While adding a new post in WP Website you will find draggable or drop-down boxes, ...
How to Set Timezone in CakePHP 3?
Dealing and working with time zone "Date/Day, Time and Duration" of a Website and an App is the most common task or requirement, which is not as easy as seen, it can be little tricky as it compounded with a set of rules of timekeeping a...
How to define Strictly Type Casting in PHP
Variable declaration are the weak part of type casting in PHP, therefore we call PHP as a weak and dynamic.
PHP7 has introduced an addition optional feature for each file, we can set all function calls and return statements with in a file...
How To Apply Translation Filters in Drupal 8 for Multilingual Website
First of all, lets understand what is a multilingual website:
Those websites which provide content on its web pages in more than one language are a multilingual website.
Drupal is one of the most popular web CMS (Con...
Top 5 Content Management Systems Built with CakePHP frameworks
Cakephp is a well known and widely used open source web application framework that offers comprehensive architectural programming for the maintenance, deployment and the development of PHP applications. CakePHP saves the precious time of the...
How to manage Drupal 8 projects using Composer and Drush
Drupal is revered as one of the magnificent CMS and development platforms to build websites. It is widely accredited for its flexibility that comes, in part, from the massive community across the project. The entire Drupal community is made ...
How to Implement multisites in drupal 8?
Drupal gives the amazing feature to use multisite with share code base, Multisite provides the facility to use single Drupal installation setup (including core code, contributed modules, custom modules, and themes) among several sites in which al...
How to Make MyFriends Query in MySQL?
Hello readers!
If you are developing the web based friendship structure, Then in this blog we will help you to make myfriends query with database.
Let's suppose you have database in following structure