Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Best 5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks for REST APIs Development
Are you ready to develop the Rest AP
by ankur.kumar -
PHP: Full-Stack Framework vs Micro Framework
A web framework can be described as a software fra
by ankit.bhatia -
How to get facebook profile picture by Facebook App
If you would like to get your profile picture in f
by vivek.rastogi -
Creating RESTful API in cakephp
This tutorial will help you to learn how to create
by pushpendra.rawat
How to Get Hijri Equivalent Date of Gregorian Date?
Hello Reader's!
In this blog, we will see how to get conversion of Gregorian date into Hirji (Islamic date).
Before you start the getting the equivalent you must be knowing that Hijri Calendar is about 400 year lags behind our curr...
Difference between Cakephp 2 and Cakephp 3
CakePHP 2
CakePHP is basically a rapid developing framework for PHP. It provides the user a flexible architecture to develop, maintain, and deploy the application .
In CakePHP within the convention over configuration paradigm, we basically ...
Upload Multiple Files in CodeIgniter 2.0 Using Customized Library Class
In this tutorial, we will learn "How to upload multiple files with the help of Codeigniter's customized upload class named as CI_Upload_Multiple in the file named Upload_Multiple.php in the Codeigniter's library". With the help ...
Model Validation Using cakephp 3.x with Example
As we all know that validation plays an important role in any technology. In cakephp 3.x we will implement either model validation or javascript validation. Steps to implement model validation is as follow.
Step 1: Fisrt we have to set the val...
Import CSV file data to database using PHP
CSV ( Comma-Separated Values ) is a simple file format which is used to store data in tabular format like spreadsheets, database. Here, in this blog we will import the CSV file data into MYSQL database using PHP.
Let us consider we have the fo...
Login with Google Plus OAuth using Cakephp
In this blog we will be integrating Google Plus OAuth Login functionality using Cakephp. So, let's start with the first foremost step, i.e, creating the Google Apps to get the Google OAuth Client Id and Client Secret Key.
Step 1:...
Simple way for uploading a file in CodeIgniter 2.0 using library class Upload
In this tutorial we will learn how to upload file with restriction on the type of file with the help of Codeigniter's upload class in the Codeigniter's library. With the help of this library we can set our preferences as per the uploading...
PHP's file handling system functions.
As PHP is a server side scripting language it does allow to create, access and manipulate files on the web server.
Let's see how it works.
The very first need to work with files is to open the file. For this purpose, there is a ...
How to Calculate age in PHP based on DOB?
Hello Reader's,
Sometimes we require to calculate the age of user from the date of birth to current date during registration of a new user to check whether he/she is eligible or not to participate in any competitions. In that case, you need ...
How to convert the given string in sentence case using php?
The sentence case is one in english language in which the first character of the sentence is in capitals
and the rest ones are in lower case.
Lets see how can we convert the given string in sentence case in php.
How to enable CURL in PHP ?
This tutorial will guide you about "How to enable CURL in PHP". CURL is one the most basic and essential requirement as it allows you to connect different protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP etc. By default CURL is not enable in php.ini ...
How to convert Gregorian(English) into Hirji date(Arabic)
Hello Reader's, If you are developing an Arabic website where you want to convert English date into Arabic Date then this blog is very helpful to you.
In Hijri date the number symbols are convert into islamic language.
So first we...
Minify Html in Cakephp 2.x
Minify Html in Cakephp 2.x
Hello friends welcome to findnerd. Today I am going to tell you how to minify html in cakephp 2. I am going to use minify html plugin which will remove unnecessary white spaces from html. This...
How to make ranking in php
Hello Reader's If you are developing the project related to gaming and you want make the Ranking of your users, Then this blog is very helpful to you.
Suppose you have a criteria of total wins by a user on which the ranking will assign. Yo...
Integrate theme in Cakephp 3.x
Theme in Cakephp 3.x
Hello friends welcome to findnerd. Today I am going to tell you how to install / create theme in Cakephp 3. Before starting with theme, let us understand what is a theme and why it is used in Cakephp. Themes are used on we...
Laravel 5.4 - Future Development Changes and New Features Release Notes
Due to the regular advancement in technologies and trends, we have seen gradual updates in popular web and mobile technologies. So, here we are going to discuss new development changes that have been released in Laravel 5.4. As we all k...
Discussion on download file from ftp using curl
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss on download file from FTP using curl.
If you want to download files from FTP using curl then you have to follow below code.
Suppose you want to download "file...
Best PHP 7 Tutorials For Complete Beginners
As the last official release of php was PHP 5. The community decided to skip the official release for PHP 6 and after a decade they decided to launch the official version as PHP7.
PHP 7 has been praised to be the best e...
Discussion on set up cron in Ubuntu
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss on set up cron in Ubuntu.
Sometimes, it is needed to set Cron jobs in a web application for sending push notification on a particular action and to send notify message to sta...
How to retrieve data from multiple select box in Slim framework
Retrieve data from multiple select box in Slim framework
Hello friends, welcome to findnerd. Today I am going to tell you how to fetch data in array from multiple select box in Slim framework. Follow the steps below:
Step 1: Lets ...
Upload multiple images/doc/pdf/zip using jQuery Ajax in Cakephp 3
Upload multiple images using jQuery Ajax / Drag & Drop Images
Hello friends, welcome to findnerd. Today I am going to tell you how to upload multiple images using jQuery and Ajax in Cakephp 3. You can also drag and drop images an...
Discussion on install and setup GitHub on Ubuntu
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss on install and setup GitHub on Ubuntu.
If you want to install git and setup GitHub on Ubuntu, Then firstly you have to update apt-get.
You can follow below command
$ ...
Configuring gmail in Cakephp 3
Configuring gmail in Cakephp 3.x
Hello friends, welcome to findnerd. Today I am going to tell you how to configure gmail in cakephp 3.x. First of all you need to load the class for email in Controller:
use Cake\Mailer\Email;
Multilingual in Cakephp 2.0
Hello Readers,
Hope you are doing good today.
Today we will discuss multilingual functionality on the website. The main question is that Why You Need A Multilingual Website For Your Business? Nowadays you see, times are changing with the gr...
Discussion on display error messages from mysql response in Cakephp 2.5.6
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss on display error messages from mysql response in Cakephp 2.5.6 .
Sometime you need show sql error messages to users when you get duplicate entries from database. Suppose you ...
Internationalization in Cakephp 3.x
Internationalization in Cakephp 3.x
Hello friends, welcome to findnerd. Today I am going to tell you how to implement Internationalization in Cakephp 3. It is similar to multilingual. In my previous blog I have mentioned how to develop mu...
Discussion on read and write Session in Cakephp 3.0
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss on read and write Session in Cakephp 3.0
Sessions is used for allowing you to identify unique users and session also allow to you requests and store persistent data for speci...
How to use multilingual in cakephp 3.x ?
Multilingual in cakephp 3
Hello friends, welcome to findnerd. Today I am going to tell you how to use multilingual in cakephp 3.x. Before moving ahead, lets create articles table. Here we are going to translate the title of articles table to f...
Discussion on send puch notification on iPhone in cakephp 2.0.
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss on send push notification on iPhone in CakePHP 2.0.
Push notification is basically used for sending messages on mobiles. It pops up on a mobile device.
If you are app publ...
Discussion on send smtp mail from godaddy server in php
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss on how to send SMTP mail from GoDaddy server in PHP.
If you are developing any web application in PHP then, sometimes you are required to send emails in your PHP application....
How to Install Swagger in Cakephp 3.x ?
Hello friends, today I am going to give basic understanding of installing Swagger in Cakephp 3. Before Installing it, let us understand what is Swagger. Swagger is the most powerful framework which is designed to develop APIS and to create ...
Image drag and drop using DropZone in Cakephp.
Hello Reader's ,
Hope your are doing good today.
Today we will discuss about Drag-and-drop functionality in the website. Nowadays it is very useful graphical feature where you can drag images from one location to another location. Drag ...
Data Scraping in Cakephp
Hello Reader's ,
Hope your are doing good today.
Today we will discuss about Scraping.Sometime we want to scrap some data from another website So here we will learn how we can do this?
Before going to start scraping you need to downloa...
Discussion on Database Access and Object-relational mapping(ORM) in cakephp 3
Hi Readers,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to Discussion on Database Access and ORM in CakePHP 3.
The new version of CakePHP comes with lots of new features and changes in it.
To access the database in CakePHP 3 there are two main...
Simple shopping cart using cakephp
In this blog we will learn to create a simple shopping cart application using cakephp. This application is very basic and simple you can download the zip file attached at the end of the blog and customize it as per your requirements. In this exam...
Calculate distance between two addresses / points / locations using Google map API.
Hello Readers ,
In this blog we are calculating distance between two address / points / locations using Google Maps V3 API.
First we have one small HTML having source and destination fields after clicking the submit function "GetRoute&...
Convert html to PDF with dompdf using PHP.
Hello Readers ,
Below is the explanation of how we can create any HTML into PDF and then further send it to emails as an attachment etc.
Install the Dompdf library from github https://github.com/dompdf/dompdf/releases and then put it ...
Braintree payment refund process of original transaction
Hello Friends,
Today, In this blog you will learn payment refund of the original transaction. In general, process, if the merchant wants to refund payment of any transaction so he can refund full payment or partial payment using transaction ID...
How to send emails in sendgrid in php.
Hello Readers ,
For sending emails in sendgrid initially we need two things.
Sendgrid API key : To configure API keys, visit https://sendgrid.com/beta/settings/api_key or you may create sendgrid account to have the API keys.
Sendgrid L...
Generate xml file in php
If we need to export our application data in XML format then we can generate an XML file with the use of PHP.
Let's see how can we do it.
first of all, in our PHP file create a class that initializes the parameters.
Integration Braintree payment getway with php
Hello friends,
In this blog we will learn, How to made payment with Braintree getway. First go throw https://github.com/braintree/braintree_php and download the library after you will need to register with Braintree and get merchant ID and Pub...
Generate Excel file using php with PHPExcel library
To generate an excel file in core php we can use PHPExcel library.
download library from the following link here - Download PHPExcel library
Lets cut the chase and see how can we do it :
First of all extract the .zip fo...
How to import an xml file in php?
If we are required to import an xml file through core php,
lets how can we do it:
First of all create a form of enctype as "multipart/form-data" as we have created below in our index.html
STRSPN()function in PHP
Hello Reader's ,
Today on My blog, We will discuss about the STRSPN().
What is STRSPN()?
The STRSPN() function compares two string to determine how closely related they are to each other. This is accomplished by returning the length of...
How to Compare String length in PHP
Hello Reader's ,
Today on My blog, You will learn how to compare string length in PHP.
PHP provides strlen() function which compares two string length is equivalent to each other. The strlen() function returns the length of a string on ...
How to open, read , wight and close a text file in php?
Open a text file in PHP.
To open a text file in PHP you will use fopen() funtion.
$yourfile = fopen("yourtextfilepath", "r");// r is a mode that are used for read file.
Read a text file in PHP.
To read an opened file in PHP you will...
"Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Function name must be a string...." in Layout.php:555 issue of magento after upgrading ...
How to solve Fatal Error Magento 1.xx on PHP 7
On upgrading PHP version , and running the Magento 1.9.x version you will get some "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Function name must be a string" of Layout.php file on...
How to send email in cakephp2.x?
Sometimes we are required to send mails in our cakephp application.
To setup in cakephp lets follow these steps :
1. In your EmailConfig class at /app/Config/email.php set the email configuration. Use this class to con...
Full Calendar Events From Database
1- Create a mysql Database.
2- Create a Table events inside created database.
CREATE TABLE `events` (
Sending Mail using SMTP in Cakephp 3.0
Hello Reader's ,
Today in my blog, I am going to explain about the mail function in CakePHP3 and how you can use it for sending a mail. It is simple to implement in your project.
First, you need to configure email transports and email d...