Top 5 Features That Make Laravel the Best PHP Framework for Development
Laravel is a free open source Web Framework of PHP
by abhishek.tiwari.458 -
Best 5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks for REST APIs Development
Are you ready to develop the Rest AP
by ankur.kumar -
PHP: Full-Stack Framework vs Micro Framework
A web framework can be described as a software fra
by ankit.bhatia -
How to get facebook profile picture by Facebook App
If you would like to get your profile picture in f
by vivek.rastogi -
Creating RESTful API in cakephp
This tutorial will help you to learn how to create
by pushpendra.rawat
All about Kraken PHP Framework
Kraken is revered as one of the only multi-threaded, multi-processed, fault-tolerant and one of the best PHP Framework. It is a new framework written to offer reliable and easy API for making distributed PHP applications. It aims to offer solutio...
Pagination in CakePHP 3
Hello Reader's,
Today we will discuss the Pagination in CakePHP 3. Pagination is a very useful part of any application where you can manage multiple record in a single page with the help of Pagination. Pagination in CakePHP is provided by a ...
How to use Inflector in CakePHP3
Hello Reader's ,
Hope you are doing good today.
Today in my blog, I am going to explain about the inflector in CakePHP3.
inflector is a many utility classes which takes a string and can manipulate it to handle word variations.
Drow Basic Lines Using Highchart
1- First of all place JS file in JS folder.
2- ...
How to Show Store On google map Locator in PHP using mysql?
Hello Reader's ,
Hope you are doing good today.
Today in my blog, I am going to explain how you can show store on google map Locator using database record.
In this tutorial we are using database table for getting a lat long through googl...
Jcrop image croping
1- Place JS and CSS files under head tag.
2- Also copy and paste bellow piece of javascript code under head tag.
<script type="text/javascript"...
Integrate Cometchat With CakePHP 3.x.x
1- System Requirements
1- PHP version 5 or greater
2- MySQL version 4/5 or MSSQL Server 2005/2008/2012 or PostgreSQL 9.2-9.5
Upload files and copy it again
1-Upload selected file.
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"],$target);//Upload file
2- Copy uploaded file and place it again in same directory.
copy($target, $NewFileNameWithFullPath);//Copy...
Anonymous function
Hello friends,
Today we will learn about the anonymous function in PHP. Anonymous function is a function without a name. In other words, a function that does not have a name is called anonymous function.
While defining a normal function in ...
How to generate unique key of random numbers in PHP
Hello Friends,
If you are looking to generate unique random string of numeric numbers. Please follow the below code for the same.
$uniqueKey = generateUniqueKey();
* generate unique key
* @return unique key
Access token authentication in cakephp
Generally access token concept is used to prevent the unauthorized access or misuse of the APIs from the mobile devices.
Whenever a client logs in a mobile device, server generates a access token and send this access token back to the cl...
Top 3 Calendar and Events Extension in Joomla
Hello friends,
Today we will discuss about the Calendar and Events Extension in Joomla. Joomla provides many Calendar and Events extension. Here we will discuss the popular top 3 calendar and events extension. They are as follows:
How to Updating one field in database using CakePhp?
Hello Readers,
Below is used to update the single field in CakePHP.
In CakePHP, if we can update the one field into the database to do this w have two methods to update the field.
1> First using savefield() method:
Working with the Postman tool
Hello Readers! In this blog we will talk about the process of working of postman tool. Potsman tool is used to interact with an API (Application Programming Interface). This tool is among top 6 tools available in market. Other tools are SOAP UI, ...
Web api to insert data into database using php
Hello Readers! In this blog we are going to create an api for inserting the data into database and then passing the data to the device in JSON format using php.
Step 1 : Firstly you are required to create a database. Here we have cre...
What is overloading and overriding in php?
When we inherit a class into another class and provide the definition for one of the function of parent class inside the child class, then this function is overridden and this process is known as function overridding. Overr...
How to generate a random number in PHP?
Hello friends,
Today we learn how to generate a random number in PHP. In PHP, following function are used to generate random numbers.
rand() function is used to display a random number.
Or you can als...
How to get default properties of the given class in PHP?
Hello friends,
Today we learn how to get the properties of a class in PHP. In PHP, get_class_vars() function is used to get all the default properties of a particular class. It will return the result in the form of associated array. The proper...
How to read folders in a folder in Joomla?
Hello friends,
Today we will learn how to display all the folder within a folder in Joomla. In Joomla, folders() method is used to list all the folders within a folder. This function return an indexed array of the folders
Constants in Joomla
Hello friends,
Today we discuss about the Joomla Constants. Joomla includes some constants that are pre-defined. These constants are basically used to get the path of the various Joomla application.
Some of Joomla Constants are as follows:
Filesystem Package in Joomla
Hello friends,
Today we understand about the filesystem in Joomla. Joomla contains pre-defined functions and classes to perform file operations such as delete, upload, get extension, get filename etc. Filesystem package includes 4 classes:
How to delete a file in Joomla?
Hello friends,
Today we discuss how to delete a file in Joomla. In Joomla, delete() function is used to delete a file. This function perform various functionalities:
1. deletes a file
2. check permission of the file
3. If the file per...
How to upload a file in Joomla?
Hello friends,
Today we will learn how to upload a file in Joomla. In Joomla, upload() function is used to upload a file from source to destination. This function is similar to PHP move_uploaded_file() function.
How to return filename without extension in Joomla?
Hello Friends,
Today we will discuss how to get a filename without extension in Joomla. In Joomla, stripExt() function is used for this purpose. It will return the name of the file without extension.
$name = JFile::stripExt($fi...
How to get file extension in Joomla?
Hello friends,
Today we will discuss how to get file extension in Joomla. In Joomla, getExt() function is used for this purpose.
$ext = JFile::getExt($filename);
JFile is the name of the class in which getExit method is def...
How to validate an integer within a range in PHP?
Hello friends,
Today we will discuss how to validate an integer within a range. In PHP, filter_var() function is used for this purpose. It will check whether an integer exist within a range or not.
filter_var(var, filtername, o...
How to get difference between two or more arrays in PHP?
Hello friends,
Today we learn how to find out the difference between two or more arrays. Difference between two or more arrays can be based upon key and value of arrays. PHP provides following functions to fulfill the same:
1. array_di...
Base Class for Joomla View
JViewLegacy is base class which is used for Joomla View. It includes the methods that are used to display the data or present the data
JViewCategories, JViewCategory, JViewCategoryfeed
Methods: Some of the methods of JVie...
How to upload image using proffer component in CakePHP3?
Hello Reader's ,
Hope you are doing good today.
Today in my blog I am going to explain how you can upload the image using proffer component in CakePHP 3.
First, you need to install Proffer Component in your project dire...
How to get selected numbers of character from column using Codeigniter?
Hello Readers, If you are using CodeIgniter you want to fetch limited MySQL results then in this blog we will learn how to to this.
Suppose you want only first 200 chars of a field then you should only fetch limited results, this wil...
How to point last element of an array in PHP?
Hello friends,
Today, we will learn how to get the last element of an array using PHP. There are various ways of doing it which are as follows:
1. end(): PHP proivdes an in-built function which returns the last element of an array end...
How to replace array elements with another array elements?
Hello friends,
Today we will learn how to replace array element with other elements. In PHP, array_replace() function is used to replace the array elements with another array elements with the help of key. That is, elements of the first array ...
Include models in cakePHP components
Cake models are not available in components. So we need to include them manually. There are lot of ways but I found following very easy:
Just include construct class in your component class and add all required models there:
public functi...
How to count date difference in day, month and year format
Hello friends,
I have two date 2016-04-04 and 2016-08-31 and now I want to display its difference as 4 months 24 days format. I have created a function to return date difference in year, months and days format
$date1 = '2016-08-31';
How to use exceptions in CakePHP?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss exceptions in CakePHP.
We can use exceptions for a variety of uses in our application when implementing any web application in CakePHP. CakePHP uses the exceptions internally...
Discussion on install Plugins in Cake PHP
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss install Plugins in Cake PHP.
When adding a Plugins in CakePHP web application we should follow any of the below four ways
1- Manually plugin install
2- Plugin installed A...
How to access profile plugin data in Joomla?
Hello friends,
Today we learn how we can access the profile plugin data in Joomla. To access the profile data User - Profile plugin should be enabled. Otherwise it will only display current user id.
To access the data you need to write the ...
Display data from MySQL using PHP and angular JS
Hello friends,
Today we will learn how to fetch data from MySQL and display it using angular JS. First we will make a PHP file for retrieving data.
// set up the connection variables
Creating Own Custom Hooks in WordPress
Hello readers, today I guide you "How to create own custom hooks in WordPress".
A crucial but often avoided practice is adding custom hooks to your plugin so that other developers can extend and modify it, without having to...
WordPress HTTP API
Hello readers, today I will guide you about "WordPress HTTP API".
Do you wish to make a request to the remote server to go or to post something?
WordPress HTTP API is the perfect solution for this. It provides a simple interface t...
How to add admin prefix in CakePHP 3.0 version?
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to add admin prefix in CakePHP 3.0 version ?
If we want to add admin prefix in our CakePHP web application then firstly we have to use CakePHP 3.0 version because we can ...
Add Custom Column to Multisite Listing Screen
Hello readers, today I guide you to "Add custom column to multisite sites listing screen".
In case you are running multiple sites, then you get sites listing site showing all the sites on that network. Often there might need ...
How to increase post meta limit in WordPress?
Hello readers, today I will guide you to "increase post meta limit in WordPress?".
Post Meta:- Basically post meta is an attribute of any post, page or custom post type. You can add multiple post meta in a single post.
Recently I ...
Methods to display Query Results in Joomla
There are various methods used in Joomla to display query results according to the requirement. They are as follows:
Single Value Result :
loadResult() method is used when a database query returns a single value. It is ba...
How to Connect multiple database in WordPress?
Hello readers, today I guide you "To Connect Multiple Database in WordPress".
In WordPress, wpdb is the class which handles all the database related tasks. In arrears WordPress installation we have $wpdb object of that class usi...
How to check if mobile is already register during register via ajax
Hello Reader's if you are developing a user based registration portal and you want to make unique mobile number facility then you can do this via ajax and php. In this tutorial we will see how to develop the portal which will check and verify...
Discussion on enabling SSL in CakePhp
Hi Reader's,
Welcome to FindNerd, today we are going to discuss how to enable SSL in CakePhp.
Basically, SSL is a very important feature in a CakePHP web application. We can enable ssl https in our CakePHP application on the server. We ca...
DJ Classified Modules in Joomla
DJ Classified packages includes following modules:
DJ-Classifieds Menu module (categories): This modules display all the categories in menu tree form.
DJ-Classifieds Search module: This module is for searching. It also provides sear...
How to integrate braintree payment gateway?
Hello Readers,
This blog show the integration of braintree.
1. Braintree is a subsidiary of paypal.
2. Braintree accepting most commonly used cards and it is secure payment system.
When we use the braintree we require a barintree librar...
How to create and delete zip folders using PHP
Hello Reader's, If you want to make folder zip functionality through website then PHP give you to do this. PHP uses ZipArchive() to create the zip files from the destination path provided. So lets get started working creating a zip fold...