Installing RVM and Creation of Gemsets Part 2
In the last tutorial we learnt how to install RVM.
by dinesh.singh -
Installing RVM and Creating of Gemsets Part 1
Installing RVM and creating Gemsets can be difficu
by dinesh.singh -
Use pik in Windows
Managing multiple versions of Ruby on Windows can
by anirudh.rautela -
Using Bundler in Rails 2.3.x app
Managing Gems in Rails can be infuriating at times
by anirudh.rautela
Service Objects in Rails (Refactoring)
"Fat models, skinny controllers" has been the design style for Rails app development. However, with time this style has been outdated as with code growth the models become too fat to handle.
Why not use concerns?
ActiveSupport c...
Draper decorator (rails refactoring)
In this tutorial we will have a look on Draper gem, which helps us decorate our views more like in object oriented approach. Its a great gem and provides us lots of options to decorate single object and collection of objects. We discussed present...
Form objects with Reform gem (Rails refactoring)
We have been discussing refactoring in our previous posts. Next to our refactoring pattern, we will discuss few gems that can be used to improve our coding style.
In my last post i explained form objects pattern. Form objects are not...
Form objects pattern (refactoring)
In previous tutorial we discussed refactoring code and decorators pattern. In this tutorial we will take our discussion further to form objects pattern. We use forms in our application to take inputs from user. The form data is received in our co...
Rails code patterns Decorator/Presenter (Refacotring)
In my previous article i explained when we should refactor code and how to refactor. Lets take our discussion further to decorator/presenter pattern. Decorator/Presenter pattern have been overly used in rails community. There is a thin line betwe...
Refactoring Code in Rails
While developing some functionality, sometimes we take shortcuts to finish it on scheduled delivery time. We give less time on code standards and more on functionality. But with code growth we have perfect opportunity to clean our code and follow...
How one should take care of app complexity before refactoring it
All developers who are working on big projects usually think on refactoring the code-base. But before moving ahead with it a developer must take care of the following app complexity
How To Score Your Rails App's Complexity Before Refactoring